Starting Fresh: 4 Steps to Clean Up Your Criminal History as a Hoosier

For many people, the past isn’t just a memory—it’s a record. A criminal history can have a lasting impact on an individual’s life, affecting everything from job prospects to housing opportunities. Fortunately, the state of Indiana offers a pathway to a fresh start through the expungement and record sealing process. If you’re a Hoosier looking to turn the page on your past, this comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through the necessary steps to clear your criminal record and gain a new lease on life.

Call 317-636-7514 for Indiana Expungement Assistance - Starting at $850!
Call 317-636-7514 for Indiana Expungement Assistance – Starting at $850!

Indiana’s Second Chance Law at a Glance

In Indiana, the fairly-new criminal record expungement and record sealing laws, also known as Indiana’s Second Chance Laws, allows for limited access to certain criminal records by the public. Record sealing, on the other hand, makes it illegal to disclose sealed records to anyone, including most potential employers or landlords. For many, this legal remedy represents the potential for redemption, a second chance to redefine their narrative.

Removing or sealing past convictions can significantly improve your life. It can make it easier to find employment, secure housing, and participate fully in civic life. Studies have shown that expungement is linked to reduced recidivism rates, suggesting that people with clean records are less likely to re-offend.

How to Start Fresh With Criminal Record Expungement

Step 1: Hiring a Lawyer

While it is possible to file for expungement without legal representation, enlisting the help of a skilled criminal defense lawyer is highly recommended. An expungement attorney experienced in Indiana’s Second Chance Law will not only handle the entire process for you, but also provide invaluable support and advice.

Navigating Legal Loopholes

The expertise of a knowledgeable attorney can be essential in navigating the legal system. They can help ensure that you understand your rights, provide personalized advice based on your unique situation, and increase the likelihood of a successful expungement.

Choosing a Lawyer

When selecting a lawyer, look for one with a track record of successful expungement cases. Schedule consultations with several attorneys to discuss your case and determine who can offer the best representation. Remember to ask about their fees and payment plans, as cost can vary significantly.

The following steps are steps that your criminal record expungement lawyer will handle for you on your behalf. If you are planning to manage the petitioning process yourself, these next steps are the steps you will need to take.

Step 2: Assessing Eligibility

Not all criminal records are eligible for expungement. The Indiana legal system has specific criteria that individuals must meet to qualify for record clearing. Understanding these requirements is the critical second step to the expungement process.

Who Qualifies for Expungement?

In Indiana, individuals may be eligible for expungement if:

  • They have completed their sentence, including any probation or parole
  • A certain number of years have passed since the conviction, depending on the offense
  • They have no pending charges

Navigating the Criteria

The details of your case, such as the nature of the offense and your criminal history, will determine your eligibility. Work with your attorney to assess whether you meet the state’s criteria for expungement.

Step 3: Gathering Necessary Documentation

The road to expungement is paved with paperwork. You will need to gather a range of documents to support your expungement petition, such as court records, sentencing documents, and a criminal background check.

Document-Savvy Preparation

The key to a successful expungement petition is thorough and organized documentation. Be proactive in getting the paperwork you need, and be prepared to provide evidence of your rehabilitation since your conviction.

What You Need to Collect:

  • Certified copies of all court cases you wish to expunge
  • Records of any probation, parole, or other supervision
  • A report from the Indiana State Police that provides a criminal history background check

Accurately Organizing Records

Accurately organize and present these records to your attorney, who can help ensure that you have everything you need to present a compelling expungement case.

Step 4: Filing the Petition

Once you’ve determined your eligibility and collected the necessary documentation, it is time to officially file your expungement petition. This is a formal legal process that must be completed with care and attention to detail.

The Petitioning Process

Work with your attorney to draft and file the petition. They can ensure that your petition meets all legal requirements and that it is filed in a timely manner. Your expungement petition should be filed with the court where you were convicted. It will include a description of your case, the charges you are seeking to expunge, and the reasons why you believe you should be granted an expungement.

What to Expect

The court will review your petition, and you may be required to attend a hearing. At the hearing, you will have the opportunity to present your case for expungement. The court’s decision will be based on various factors, including the nature of the offense, your criminal history, and your post-conviction conduct.

Following Up and Moving Forward

Obtaining an expungement doesn’t mark the end of your story—it’s a new beginning. Now that your record is clear, it’s time to take full advantage of the opportunities available to you.

Post-Expungement Life

With a clean criminal record, you are free to pursue employment, education, and other aspects of your life without the burden of past convictions. Take advantage of community resources, support networks, and continuing legal counsel to help you thrive post-expungement.

Advocating for Awareness

Sharing your expungement story can be a powerful way to advocate for others seeking a fresh start. By speaking out about the process and its impact on your life, you can help raise awareness and encourage others to pursue expungement.


For those who have struggled with the weight of a criminal past, the expungement and record sealing processes present a beacon of hope, a chance to rewrite life’s next chapters in a positive light. By following the four steps outlined in this guide—hiring a lawyer, assessing eligibility, gathering documentation, and filing your petition—you can set the wheels in motion for a legal rebirth. Remember, the process may be extensive, but the rewards of a clear record are immeasurable.

Why Go Through With It?

Cleaning up your criminal history is both a personal and legal victory. It signifies an acceptance of responsibility for past actions and a commitment to a future free from the shadows of your past. If you are a Hoosier looking to reclaim your life from the tarnish of a criminal record, remember that the system is designed to help you. Empower yourself with knowledge, seek the assistance of legal experts, and take the proactive steps necessary to secure your right to a fresh start. After all, every individual is worth the opportunity to overcome and thrive, and Indiana’s Second Chance laws are the key to unlocking that potential.

You don’t have to be afraid of your future employer or loan officer running a background check on you anymore. Contact our licensed criminal defense lawyers for affordable criminal record expungement services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our fees start as low as $850, and initial consultations are free!

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Unlocking Opportunities: How Expungement in Indiana Can Change Your Life

In the eyes of the law, everyone deserves a second chance. For many Hoosiers, that second chance comes in the form of Indiana’s Second Chance Law — a legal provision that can truly change lives. This law allows individuals with a criminal history to have their records expunged or sealed, effectively wiping the slate clean.

If you or a loved one is burdened by a past mistake that has become a stumbling block towards progress, this blog will shed light on how criminal record expungement and sealing in Indiana can unlock endless opportunities.

Call 317-636-7514 for Certified Expungement Legal Assistance in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 for Certified Expungement Legal Assistance in Indianapolis Indiana

What is Criminal Record Expungement and Sealing?

Criminal record expungement involves the permanent erasure of an individual’s criminal record, making it inaccessible to the general public. On the other hand, sealing a criminal record means that it will only be accessible by certain government agencies or in specific circumstances. Both options provide individuals with a fresh start, free from the negative implications of a criminal record.

Who is Eligible for Expungement or Sealing?

Under Indiana’s Second Chance Law, individuals with misdemeanor convictions, low-level felony convictions, and arrests that did not result in conviction may be eligible for expungement or sealing. However, this does not apply to certain serious crimes like murder or sexual offenses. Additionally, a certain amount of time must pass since the completion of the sentence before one can apply for expungement or sealing.

How Can Expungement Change Your Life?

Having a criminal record can have a lasting impact on an individual’s life, hindering opportunities for employment, education, housing, and more. However, with expungement or sealing in place, those barriers are removed, allowing individuals to pursue their goals and dreams without the weight of their past holding them back. It also provides a sense of relief and closure, knowing that one’s mistakes are no longer publicly visible.

Seeking Legal Assistance

Navigating the legal process for criminal record expungement or sealing can be complex, which is why it is highly recommended to consult with an experienced attorney. They can guide you through the eligibility requirements, help gather necessary documents and evidence, and ensure that your petition is filed correctly. There are consequences to making errors when submitting your petition for expungement, including losing your right to apply again. A criminal record expungement lawyer can ensure that your petition is submitted in the correct form, on time, and within all legal requirements.


The power of expungement or sealing in Indiana cannot be underestimated. It has the potential to transform lives and give individuals a chance at redemption. If you or someone you know is burdened by a past mistake, take advantage of this second chance and unlock endless opportunities for a brighter future. Remember, everyone deserves a second chance — let Indiana’s Second Chance Law be yours.  So don’t hesitate to seek legal assistance and start the process towards a better tomorrow today.  Let go of the past and embrace the possibilities that await with a clean criminal record.

Are you ready to learn if you qualify for criminal record expungement in Indiana? Contact us at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced expungement lawyer in Indianapolis. Our Indiana criminal expungement services start as low as $850!

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Revamp Your Job Hunt: Strategic Tips for Securing a Better Position

In today’s competitive job market, securing a better position necessitates more than just a polished resume and a handful of experiences. A successful job hunt involves strategic planning, mastering the art of interviews, and acquiring the right tactics to negotiate a higher paying job. As daunting as it may seem, these skills can be honed with the right approach.

This blog post targets valuable insights and practical strategies that will help you elevate your job search and land the role you’ve always aspired for. Let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of turning your job hunt into a strategic, result-oriented mission.

Call 317-636-7514 to Clean Up Your Criminal Record in Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Clean Up Your Criminal Record in Indiana

How to Get a Better Job in Today’s Market

Research, Analyze, and Strategize

Before beginning your job search, it is important to research the field or industry in which you would like to work. Identify the top companies and explore their websites for potential openings. It is essential that you are familiar with the organization’s mission statement, vision, and organizational culture. Additionally, look into the qualifications and experience that the role requires. This will help you tailor your application to fit the job requirements and set yourself apart from other applicants.

Furthermore, analyze current trends in the job market and determine if there are any areas with a higher demand for employees. You may even consider Networking with peers who have already achieved success in their respective fields as they can offer valuable advice on how to reach your goals. Lastly, create a job search plan and strategize the best tactics for success. This will keep you organized and motivated in pursuing your desired role.

Master the Art of Interviews

Interviews are integral in selecting the right candidate for the job. Therefore, it is important to prepare yourself with confidence and practice your answers. Research the company beforehand and read up on the job description to better understand what they’re looking for in a potential employee. It also pays off to prepare questions that are relevant to the role.

Asking informed questions will demonstrate your knowledge of the field as well as your genuine interest in securing the position. Additionally, practice active listening and remain engaged throughout the conversation. This will show employers that you are paying attention to their responses and genuinely interested in understanding more about the role. Keep in mind that there are questions employers are not allowed to ask.

Negotiate a Higher Paying Job

Negotiation can be intimidating, but there are strategies to make it less daunting and more rewarding. Before negotiating, research salary ranges for your desired job title so you know what kind of wage to expect. Additionally, prepare a list of your qualifications and experiences that make you stand out amongst other applicants. It is also important to be courteous and professional throughout the process and avoid making threats or ultimatums. Lastly, stay positive and don’t be afraid to ask for what you feel you deserve.

Clean Up Your Criminal Record

A criminal record can have a negative impact on your job search if potential employers are running background checks – which they likely are. It may affect your chances of being hired or potentially limit your opportunities. To protect yourself and improve your employability, it is important to clean up your criminal record. This can be done by having certain arrests and convictions expunged from one’s criminal history, allowing you to start fresh with a clean slate. To learn more about how to clear your criminal record, talk to a criminal defense attorney who specializes in criminal record expungement and record sealing services. You will need their guidance to successfully petition for a sealed criminal record.

Final Thoughts

Landing a better job is possible with the right approach and strategies. Take initiative and create an action plan for success! With proper research, preparation, and practice you can confidently navigate the competitive job market and secure a higher paying job. These strategies will certainly help streamline your job hunt and increase the likelihood of landing the position you’ve always wanted.

Are you ready to learn more about cleaning up your criminal history in Indiana? Contact our licensed criminal lawyers for affordable criminal record expungement services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our fees start as low as $850, and initial consultations are free!

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Passing a Criminal Background Check: Essential Steps to Follow

In today’s world, a criminal background check is a common procedure in various walks of life, be it job applications, housing rentals, or volunteering opportunities. However, the presence of a criminal record can often prove to be a significant hurdle in these processes. In such a scenario, understanding how to successfully pass a criminal background check becomes a crucial piece of knowledge.

This blog post aims to guide you through the essential steps to follow, including how to conduct background scans and the process for criminal record expungement, so you can navigate these checks with confidence and ease.

Call 317-636-7514 for Certified Background Check Cleanup Services in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 for Certified Background Check Cleanup Services in Indianapolis Indiana

Start By Conducting a Background Scan…on Yourself

The first step is to conduct a background scan. This allows you to find out exactly what information appears in your criminal record, as well as identify any errors or inaccuracies that may be present. You can do this by using online resources such as the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), which stores up-to-date information on criminal histories.

It is important to check for common errors such as mismatched names, incorrect dates of birth, or even cases where the wrong person has been arrested in error. It is also worth noting that these databases only include information from states, so if you have a criminal record in another country, it will not be included in the background scan.

Understanding the Results of Your Background Scan

Once you have completed your background scan, it is important to understand the results. This includes researching any documented police encounters, arrests, criminal charges, and/or convictions that appear on your personal criminal  history report, then going on to determine if they are eligible for criminal record expungement.

In many states, certain types of convictions may be subject to expungement after a certain period of time or after meeting certain criteria. It is essential to understand the laws of your state in order to determine if your criminal charges and police encounters are eligible for expungement.

You should also be aware that some employers may only consider criminal records that have been sealed, expunged, or otherwise restricted from public view. Therefore, understanding the difference between record sealing and expunging is important in order to ensure that your criminal record does not negatively impact your chances of success.

The Process for Criminal Record Expungement

For those who are eligible, the process for criminal record expungement can be long and complex. First, you will need to contact the court which handled your case and request a copy of your conviction documents. You will then need to complete a petition for expungement, which must be signed by the prosecutor and judge.

Once this has been completed, you may also have to appear in court to answer questions about your conviction. If you are successful, the court will issue an order of expungement, sealing your criminal records from public view. It is important to note that this process can take several months to complete.

In Summary

By following these essential steps, you will be able to ensure that your criminal record does not prevent you from achieving success in your life. Understanding how to conduct background scans and the process for criminal record expungement is crucial knowledge for anyone who has been convicted of a crime. With the right information and guidance, you can navigate criminal background checks with confidence and ease.

Ready to begin your journey towards uncovering if you are eligible for criminal expungement and where to start? Start right here! Contact our esteemed criminal defense lawyers for affordable criminal record expungement services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our fees start as low as $850, and we never charge for initial consultations.

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How To Clear Your Criminal History and Start Over

Having a criminal record can be an obstacle to finding employment, getting a loan, and even renting an apartment. But it doesn’t have to be the end of your story. Depending on the charges and your state laws, you may be able to clear your criminal history and start over with a clean slate. Through expungement or sealing of records, you can get rid of most of the evidence that you ever had any legal trouble at all. This guide will explain what types of crimes are eligible for expungement as well as how to go about clearing your criminal history in order to start fresh and move forward with confidence.

Call 317-636-7514 to Clean Up Your Criminal Record in Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Clean Up Your Criminal Record in Indiana

A Brief Guide to Criminal Record Clean Up

What is Criminal Record Expungement?

Criminal record expungement, also known as record sealing or removal of records, is a legal process that allows you to remove most evidence of your criminal past from public view. This means that the general public, including potential employers and landlords, won’t have access to this information. Depending on the severity of the crime and state laws, some criminal charges may not be eligible for expungement. However, in many cases you may be able to completely erase your mistake so that it cannot hold you back anymore.

Which Crimes Are Eligible for Expungement?

Eligibility for expungement varies by state but typically includes certain misdemeanors and felonies. Typical misdemeanors that may be expunged include theft, disorderly conduct, and minor drug charges. Eligible felonies usually involve nonviolent offenses such as drug possession or minor property crimes. However, violent crimes such as assault and battery, sexual offenses, and homicide are not eligible for expungement in most states.

Can You Expunge a Federal Crime?

It is extremely difficult to expunge a federal crime because these records are held by the FBI in Washington D.C., which makes them much harder to access than state records. Additionally, obtaining an expungement for a federal crime requires a lot of paperwork and time-consuming court hearings that may not even lead to success in the end. In some cases, you may be able to get a pardon from the president or have your sentence commuted instead of an expungement.

How Do You Clear Your Criminal History?

If you’re eligible for record expungement, the process typically involves filing a petition in court and waiting for a judge to grant the request. To increase your chances of success, it’s important that you provide all necessary documentation such as police reports and evidence that proves rehabilitation since the crime occurred. If granted, your criminal history will no longer appear on most background checks so potential employers and landlords won’t know about it.

Getting your criminal history cleared can give you a fresh start so that you don’t have to let your past mistakes define you. With the right legal assistance and a commitment to staying out of trouble, it is possible to clear your criminal history and start over with confidence.

In Conclusion

Starting fresh after making a mistake can be difficult but it isn’t impossible. With legal assistance and an understanding of state laws, you may be able to clear your criminal history through expungement or record sealing so that you don’t have to carry the burden of your past with you anymore. By taking action today, you can move forward with confidence knowing that your criminal records no longer stand in the way of success. Good luck on your journey towards a brighter future!

Are you ready to get started on your application for expungement in Indiana? Contact our Indianapolis Indiana criminal record expungement lawyers to learn how to begin your petition, today. Our expungement fees start as low as $850, and we never charge for initial consultations.

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Tips for Overcoming a Bad Background Check Result

When applying for a job, one of the most important steps is to pass the background check. Unfortunately, not all applicants are lucky enough to have a clean record. A criminal record or other negative information in your background can be difficult to overcome and may prevent you from getting hired. But there are steps that you can take to improve your chances of success even with bad background check results. Below are some tips on how to do just that!

Call 317-636-7514 to Clean Up Your Criminal Record in Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Clean Up Your Criminal Record in Indiana

How to Overcome a Negative Background Check Result

Understand Your Background Check Report

Before you can begin to try and address any potential issues on your background check, it is important to understand what is in the report. Request a copy of the report from the company that conducted it and review it carefully for accuracy. If there are any errors or outdated information, be sure to dispute these with the reporting agency so that they can correct them before submitting them to employers.

Address Any Criminal Records

Criminal records often stand out on background checks and can significantly reduce your chances of employment if not addressed properly. If you have a criminal record, work with an attorney or other professional to develop a plan for addressing this issue when dealing with future job applications. You may also benefit from attending job-readiness classes or other rehabilitation programs.

Be Honest and Transparent

Honesty is always the best policy when it comes to background checks and job applications. If you are asked about any criminal records or negative information on your background check, be honest about what happened and explain the steps that you have taken to address the issue. Employers may be more willing to hire someone who has acknowledged their past mistakes than someone who lies or tries to hide them.

Show You Are Qualified

Bad results on a background check do not mean that you cannot still get hired for a job, but you will need to prove that you possess all of the necessary skills and qualifications for the position. Focus on highlighting your strengths and qualifications and be prepared to explain why your background check results should not be a reflection on your ability to do the job.

Network and Look for Opportunities

Networking with potential employers can also help you increase your chances of success despite bad results on a background check. Seek out opportunities to attend career fairs or meet with hiring managers to discuss the positions that you are interested in. This may give you an opportunity to explain any negative information from your background check in person rather than just relying on a piece of paper.

Hire a Criminal Record Expungement Lawyer

You may be eligible for criminal record expungement and a criminal defense lawyer can help you find out of you are. Criminal record expungement is a process by which you can have your criminal records erased or sealed from public access. This legal action effectively wipes your criminal record clean, and you can legally state that you have not been convicted of a crime. This means it will not show up on your background check. Expungement is typically reserved for minor offenses committed over a certain period of time. This legal action can potentially open doors after being hindered by the stigma of a past criminal record. Expungement can have a life-changing impact, providing the opportunity for you to fully move forward with your life. Just be sure to hire a criminal record expungement lawyer for help with the petition process. Just one simple mistake can get your application rejected forever.

In Summary

These tips can help you overcome negative results on a background check but remember that it is important to stay positive throughout the process. With hard work, honesty, and resilience, it is possible to find success even when you have a bad background check result.

Are you ready to learn if you qualify for criminal record expungement in Indiana? Contact us at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced expungement lawyer in Indianapolis. Our Indiana criminal expungement services start as low as $850!

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Tips for Ensuring the Accuracy of Your Own Background Checks

Background checks are important for employers and individuals alike. Employers use background checks to determine whether or not a potential employee is suitable for the job, while individuals can use background checks to uncover information about themselves that may have been hidden in the past. But background checks aren’t foolproof – mistakes can happen, and it’s up to you as an individual or employer to ensure accuracy of your own background check results.

In this blog post, we’re going to discuss some tips on how you can make sure that your background check reports are accurate and up-to-date. We’ll cover topics like criminal record expungement, record sealing, and other methods of ensuring accuracy in background checking. So read on if you want to learn more!

Call 317-636-7514 for Expungement Services in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Call 317-636-7514 for Expungement Services in Indianapolis, Indiana.

How to Be Sure You Have an Accurate Personal Record

Check Your Sealed Records

Make sure that any expunged criminal record or sealed records are in fact expunged or sealed. If a background check is done on you and it shows a criminal conviction that was actually expunged or sealed, then the background check results will be inaccurate. You can verify whether your record has been expunged by contacting the court that handled your case, as well as the state criminal justice database. It’s important to note that not all states allow for criminal records to be expunged or sealed.

Confirm Your Personal Data

Ensure accuracy of information with regards to other personal details – Background checks also often include information such as date of birth, address history, employment history and education background. It’s important to make sure that the background check report is accurate with regards to these details. If you’ve moved recently, for example, you’ll want to verify that your current address is being reported correctly.

Get a Copy For Yourself

Request a copy of your background check from the background screening provider – It’s important to ensure accuracy of background checks by double-checking them yourself. You can do this by requesting a copy of the background check report from the background screening provider who provided it and examining it closely. Make sure all information is correct and up to date before taking any action based on the results.

By following these tips, you can help ensure accuracy in background checking and avoid costly mistakes down the road. Doing your own background checks may seem daunting, but with a bit of patience and research, you can make sure that your background check results are accurate. 

Get Your Personal Record Squeaky Clean with Expungement Services

Expunging a criminal record is not an easy process, as it requires careful consideration to ensure that the right steps are taken. After all, you only get one chance to petition. If something goes wrong, you  lose your opportunity forever. So, to begin the expungement process, you should contact a licensed criminal defense law firm that specializes in record expungement and sealing services. Well-versed criminal record expungement lawyers in Indianapolis can provide counsel and determine whether an individual is eligible for an expungement of their criminal record. Moreover, they can provide guidance on navigating the paperwork and legal requirements necessary to complete the criminal record expungement process successfully.

Ready to begin your journey towards uncovering if you are eligible for criminal expungement and where to start? Start right here! Contact our esteemed criminal defense lawyers for affordable criminal record expungement services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our fees start as low as $850, and we never charge for initial consultations.

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Start the New Year Off Right By Sealing Your Indiana Criminal Records

Happy New Year! Do you know where you are headed in 2022?

Do you have a criminal record that has been holding you back from a happier, more full-filling life? A criminal record can impact employment opportunities, job promotions, school admissions, and even dating. So, if you are ready to write a new chapter this year, start off 2022 with a cleaner criminal record.

Continue below to learn how you can expunge or seal your arrest records in Indiana with the help of our esteemed criminal expungement lawyers!

Criminal Expungement Legal Service Indiana 317-636-7514
Indiana Criminal Record Expungement Legal Services 317-636-7514

Indiana Criminal Record Expungement Legal Services

Our Indiana criminal defense law firm specializes in the New Indiana Second Chance Law, offering professional and compassionate criminal record expungement services start as low as $850! Our criminal defense attorneys provide flexible and affordable legal assistance for anyone who wishes to expunge or seal arrest records in Indiana.

Although our office is based in Indianapolis, we can hold client-lawyer meetings over the phone or via online video conferencing, like Skype, Zoom, or Face Time. This means you don’t even have to travel to get professional and reliable aid with your expungement petition! From the comfort of your own home, you can learn your eligibility for criminal record expungement or sealing, plus set up your petition arrangement. This gets everything in motion, right away!

Experience Sets Us Apart From Other Indiana Law Firms

Our experience is an essential element in our ability to fulfill your petition. We have more than 25 years of experience practicing criminal law in Indiana. We are passionate about helping clients obtain a fresh start to life and hopefully engage in opportunities their criminal records or convictions have held them back from in the past.

Whether convicted of a misdemeanor of felony offense, our legal teams have the knowledge, determination, and experience to manage your criminal record expungement or record sealing application process.

Avoid Missing Your Opportunity FOREVER

Having a licensed criminal lawyer who is well-versed in the Indiana Second Chance laws is critical to your petition’s approval.  You see, you get but one chance in your lifetime to apply for sealing or expungement in Indiana. If you make one tiny filing mistake, like a spelling error or missed deadline, you lose your opportunity forever. The problem here is that mistakes are bound to happen since the filing paperwork and process are very complex and tedious. This is why you need a skilled lawyer well-versed in the Indiana expungement and record sealing laws to handle the entire process for you.

Don’t think you can afford it? Think again! We offer criminal expungement services starting at a reasonable $850! Contact our Indianapolis Indiana criminal record expungement lawyers to learn how to begin your petition, today. Our lawyers also offer free initial consultations.

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Criminal Record Expungement Attorney Indiana
Indiana Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514