New Year’s Resolutions are a steadfast tradition among various cultures, religions, and ethnicities all across the world. From making more money to getting more fit, people resolve to do many things in the coming New Year. And why not? After all, the start of a brand new year is the perfect time to start a brand new you. But if your New Year’s Resolution is to get a better job, whether better paying, better located, or better quality, honoring your resolve might not be as easy as some of the other resolutions.
However, if a criminal record is the very stigma holding you back from reaching your business or career goals, you can change this in the New Year. By petitioning for criminal record expungement, you can hide or seal your criminal record, and thus place yourself in a better and more hire-able position. Whether it’s that promotion you’re after, a bigger paycheck, or simply to be happier in your profession, criminal record expungement might be the exact answer you’ve been looking for all the time.
Continue reading to learn how it works, how to qualify, and how to get started on your petition in the New Year.
Wipe Your Slate Clean to
Get Better Pay in 2021!
A Cleaner Record Sets the Path for a Better Career
Those with criminal records, especially recent arrests or convictions, or very serious ones, understand the struggle with getting a good job. These days, running a background check on a potential hire is as easy as logging into your favorite app, or submitting an email. There are many innovative portals and online resources that allow the public to access a person’s criminal history at just a click of a button. Most background check portals are free, but the more comprehensive ones, such as the ones used by employers interviewing potential hires, are not free.
How Criminal Expungement Works
Also known as the Second Chance Law here in Indiana, criminal record expungement ordinances allow those with past arrests, criminal charges, or criminal convictions to seal or hide their records from the general public. This would include any potential employers. Now, not everyone qualifies, or just, not yet qualifies. Not only do you have to wait a certain number of years from the date of the arrest or conviction, but you must also have remained a law-abiding citizen ever since. These are just the two primary prerequisites, as there are many more.
It is important to hire a criminal defense lawyer who specializes in criminal record expungement services to represent your petition. There are many reasons for this. First, expungement petitions are incredibly complex, and one tiny error can cause your petition to be denied, forever. It is forever because petitioners can only file one time for expungement. If you are denied, for let’s say a missed deadline, or using white paper when it should have been green, you lose your chance of ever filing again. It is also important to hire a lawyer to confirm that you are eligible. As mentioned, the prerequisites are quite detailed, and vary from individual to individual.
Once you are granted criminal record expungement rights, by law, potential employers must treat you as though you were never arrested or convicted of the expunged offense or offenses.
How to Start a Petition for Criminal Record Expungement in Indiana
Call our Law Office at 317-636-7514 to learn your eligibility for criminal record expungement in Indiana. We are skilled criminal defense lawyers who are eager to help you get the fresh start in life that you deserve! Our services start as low as $850, so you can afford to clean up your record just as much as the next guy. Call 317-636-7514 to schedule a consultation, today.