Navigating Job Applications with a Criminal Record: Your Complete Guide

Job searching is tough. It’s even tougher when you have a criminal record hanging over your head. The stigma around past mistakes can make the process feel like an uphill battle. But here’s the good news—you can overcome this challenge. Being upfront and truthful about your criminal history is crucial.

This guide is designed to help you understand how to disclose your past while emphasizing your skills and qualifications. We’ll explore common questions, provide templates, and offer practical tips to boost your confidence and increase your chances of landing that job.

Call 317-636-7514 to Clean Up Your Criminal Record in Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Clean Up Your Criminal Record in Indiana

Common Job Application and Interview Questions About Criminal History

When it comes to your criminal history, you’ll likely encounter a range of questions. These could vary from straightforward queries like “Have you ever been convicted of a crime?” to more detailed ones asking for explanations of specific incidents. Understanding these questions is the first step in preparing your response. Employers typically ask about your criminal history to gauge your honesty and reliability. Expect questions like:

  • “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?”
  • “Can you explain the circumstances of your conviction?”
  • “How have you rehabilitated since your conviction?”

Different Types of Job Interview Questions and How to Respond

Some questions may be open-ended, giving you the opportunity to provide context and show personal growth. Others might be more direct, requiring clear and concise answers. Tailor your responses to fit the question type—always aiming to be honest yet positive. Practice makes perfect, so consider rehearsing your answers with a trusted friend or mentor.

How to Prepare Your Responses

Preparation is key to answering questions about your criminal history confidently. Start by researching your own background to know exactly what potential employers might find.

Researching Your Own Background

Before you can discuss your past, you need to know what’s on your record. Obtain a copy of your criminal record and review it thoroughly. This will help you address any discrepancies and be fully aware of what employers will see.

Crafting an Honest and Compelling Response

When crafting your response, focus on honesty and personal growth. Highlight the steps you’ve taken to rehabilitate and any skills or qualifications you’ve gained since. Keep your explanation brief and steer the conversation back to your professional strengths. Many employers run background checks, so don’t set yourself up for an awkward encounter by lying in the interview.

When and How to Disclose Your Criminal Past

Timing is everything when it comes to disclosing your criminal history. Knowing when and how to bring it up can make a significant difference in how it’s perceived.

The Right Time to Disclose

It’s often best to wait until the interview stage to disclose your criminal history. This allows you to present yourself in person and explain your circumstances directly. However, if the application specifically asks about criminal history, answer honestly and be prepared to discuss it later.

Tips for Disclosing in a Professional and Positive Manner

When disclosing, frame your past positively. Mention the lessons learned and how they’ve shaped you into a better person. Use professional language and maintain a calm demeanor. Remember, the goal is to show that you’ve moved forward and are ready to contribute positively to the workplace.

Handling the Interview

The interview is your chance to shine. Preparation will help you handle questions about your criminal history with grace and confidence.

Preparing for Potential Questions

Anticipate potential questions and prepare your responses. Practice with a friend or in front of a mirror. Being ready will help you stay calm and collected when the topic comes up.

Focusing on Skills and Qualifications

While it’s important to address your criminal history, don’t forget to emphasize your skills and qualifications. Highlight relevant experience and how it makes you a great fit for the job. Steer the conversation back to your strengths whenever possible.

Examples Responses to Common Questions

Having a few examples and templates can be incredibly helpful. They provide a starting point for crafting your own responses and disclosures. Here are a few sample responses:

Question: “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?”
Response: “Yes, I have. However, since my conviction, I have completed a rehabilitation program and have gained valuable skills in [specific area].”

Question: “Can you explain the circumstances of your conviction?”
Response: “I was convicted of [crime] in [year]. Since then, I have taken significant steps to improve myself, including [mention any education, training, or community service].”

Templates for Disclosure Letters

Here’s a template for a disclosure letter:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
[Employer’s Name]
[Company’s Name]
[Company’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to provide additional information regarding my background. I believe in full transparency and would like to address my criminal history before we proceed further in the hiring process.

In [Year], I was convicted of [Crime]. Since then, I have taken various steps towards rehabilitation, including [mention any rehabilitation programs, education, or community service]. I have learned valuable lessons from my past and am committed to making positive contributions to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

[Your Name]

Resources and Support for Ex-Offenders Looking for Work

Navigating the job market with a criminal history can be daunting, but there are resources available to help.

Community and Online Resources

Several organizations provide support for ex-offenders seeking employment. These include:

  • Indiana Department of Workforce Development: Offers job training and placement services.
  • Goodwill Industries: Provides employment programs and resources.
  • Reentry Centers: Offer various support services for individuals reentering the workforce.

Advice on Seeking Legal Guidance if Necessary

If you’re unsure about the specifics of your criminal record or need assistance with expungement, seeking legal advice is a good step. Legal aid organizations and pro bono services can provide guidance and support.

Criminal Record Expungement in Indiana

Expungement can be a game-changer for those with a criminal history. In Indiana, certain offenses can be expunged after a designated period. This process can help you start fresh and improve your job prospects. For more information, check out the Indiana Expungement Laws or consult with a criminal record expungement lawyer in Indianapolis.


Being honest and prepared is crucial when addressing your criminal history during a job search. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can present yourself in the best possible light and demonstrate your commitment to personal and professional growth. Remember, everyone deserves a second chance. Stay positive, be confident, and keep pushing forward.

For those in Indiana interested in clearing your criminal record, our law office is here to help. Contact our Indianapolis criminal record expungement lawyers at 317-636-7514 to learn more about how we can assist you in cleaning up your criminal history and improving your job prospects. Our fees start as low as $850, and initial consultations are free!

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Indiana’s Criteria for Criminal Record Expungement

Navigating life with a criminal record can feel like an uphill battle. It complicates job searches, housing applications, and even personal relationships. Fortunately, Indiana offers a way to mitigate these issues through the expungement process. Expungement allows individuals to seal or eliminate certain criminal records, offering a fresh start and a chance to move forward without the shadow of past mistakes.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into Indiana’s expungement laws, eligibility criteria, and the steps necessary to clear your criminal record. Whether you’re an Indiana resident, a job seeker, or someone with a criminal past looking to rebuild your life, this post will provide you with valuable insights and actionable steps.

Call 317-636-7514 to Request an Expungement Eligibility Check in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Request an Expungement Eligibility Check in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Indiana’s Expungement Laws

Indiana has specific criteria that determine whether an individual is eligible for criminal record expungement.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Type of Offense: Some offenses are eligible for expungement, while others are not. Generally, non-violent misdemeanors and certain low-level felonies can be expunged. Serious felonies, violent crimes, and sex offenses are typically excluded.
  • Completion of Sentence: To qualify for expungement, you must have completed your sentence, including probation, parole, and any court-ordered programs.
  • Waiting Periods: Indiana law imposes different waiting periods based on the severity of the offense. For example, misdemeanors may have a waiting period of five years, while certain felonies may require up to ten years before you can petition for expungement.
  • No Pending Charges: You must not have any pending criminal charges to be eligible for expungement.

Types of Offenses

  • Expungable Offenses: Non-violent misdemeanors, certain Class D (Level 6) felonies, and juvenile offenses.
  • Non-Expungable Offenses: Serious felonies, violent crimes, sex offenses, and crimes involving public officials in their official capacity.

Waiting Periods

  • Misdemeanors: 5 years from the date of conviction.
  • Class D (Level 6) Felonies: 8 years from the date of conviction.
  • Higher-Level Felonies: 10 years from the date of conviction or 5 years from the completion of your sentence, whichever is later.

Steps to Expunge a Criminal Record in Indiana

  1. Gather Necessary Forms: Start by obtaining the required forms for expungement from the Indiana Judicial Branch website or your local court.
  2. Complete the Forms – Fill out the forms accurately. You’ll need to include details about your convictions, sentences, and any other relevant information.
  3. Submit the Petition – File the completed petition with the court where your conviction occurred.

Required Documentation

  • Certified Court Records: Copies of your criminal records and court documents related to your case.
  • Proof of Sentence Completion: Documentation showing you’ve completed all terms of your sentence.
  • Personal Statement: A statement explaining why you believe your record should be expunged.

Importance of a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Hiring a criminal defense lawyer who specializes in expungement can significantly improve your chances of a successful petition. A lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, ensure all paperwork is correctly filed, and represent you in any required court hearings.

Benefits of Criminal Record Expungement

  • Improved Job Prospects: Employers often conduct background checks, and a clean record can open doors to better job opportunities.
  • Housing Opportunities: Landlords are more likely to approve rental applications when a criminal record is expunged.
  • School Admission: Educational institutions may consider expunged records when evaluating applicants.
  • Dating Success: Personal relationships can be affected by a criminal record; expungement helps improve trust and acceptance in the dating world.
  • Loan Eligibility: Financial institutions are more likely to approve loans for individuals without a criminal history.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Financial Cost: The expungement process can be costly, including filing fees and attorney fees.
  • Time-Consuming: Collecting documentation, filing petitions, and waiting for court decisions can take several months.

Final Takeaway

Criminal record expungement in Indiana provides a valuable opportunity for individuals to break free from the constraints of their past. Understanding the eligibility criteria, navigating the legal process, and seeking professional help can make a significant difference in achieving a successful expungement.

If you or someone you know could benefit from expungement, now is the time to take action. Consult with a criminal defense lawyer, gather your documentation, and initiate the process to reclaim your future.

Don’t let your past define your future. Take the first step towards a fresh start today. Contact our respected lawyers for affordable criminal record expungement services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our fees start as low as $850, and we never charge for initial consultations.

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A New Road Ahead: Tips for Cleaning Up Your Criminal Record

Having a criminal record can cast a long shadow over your life. It can limit your employment opportunities, housing options, educational endeavors, and even your ability to secure a loan. However, in Indiana, there’s a beacon of hope for individuals looking to wipe their slate clean—the expungement and record sealing process. If you’re an Indiana resident with a criminal history, this guide is your roadmap to understanding and navigating the path to a fresh start.

Call 317-636-7514 to Contact Our Expungement Law Firm in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Contact Our Expungement Law Firm in Indianapolis Indiana

The Power of Expungement and Sealing in Indiana

Many Hoosiers are unaware of the distinction and the immense power of expungement and sealing, but they can be life-changing mechanisms for those who qualify. Expungement is the statutory process that results in the extraction and isolation of all records on file within any court, law enforcement agency, detention center, correctional facility (jail or prison), or criminal justice agency concerning a person’s arrest, criminal charge, or conviction.

Sealing of criminal records means the removal of arrest and conviction records from public access, but the records are not fully destroyed and still exist in a restricted capacity. Both processes effectively hide your criminal history from non-governmental inquiries.

Who Is Eligible for Expungement in Indiana?

Intent on granting Hoosiers with a second chance, the state of Indiana has specific guidelines for determining who is eligible for expungement. Offenses that qualify under Indiana’s expungement law are generally non-violent and do not involve sexual or major drug offenses. In some cases, individuals may qualify if they can demonstrate that the purpose for which they seek expungement outweighs the public’s right to access the record.

To be eligible for expungement in Indiana, you must have completed all the terms of your sentence and any post-sentence requirements, be free from any new criminal convictions, and abide by waiting periods that vary depending on the nature of the crime. In the case of minor felonies, you must wait eight years from the date of the most recent conviction or release from incarceration, while for misdemeanors, this waiting period is reduced to five years.

The Application Process for Expungement in Indiana

The process for expungement in Indiana is not a simple one. It involves navigating various legal complexities and requires a comprehensive approach. The first step is to obtain your criminal history report, a crucial document that reveals the charges and convictions held against you. This will be a foundational piece of evidence used in court to argue for the expungement of your record.

Next, the expungement petition must be filed in the appropriate court, which is typically the court where the conviction occurred. The petition should include all relevant information, such as your biographical information, a list of criminal cases related to your request for expungement, and a copy of your criminal history report. It’s important to note that incomplete or improperly filed petitions can lead to delays or denials, making the expertise of a criminal defense lawyer extremely beneficial.

Once your petition is filed, it may be scheduled for a hearing. Depending on the court’s docket, this can take several months. The court will either grant or deny your petition following the hearing. It is at this point that you will be able to argue for the strength of your case to have your record expunged. If the petition is granted, the orders for expungement will need to be served on every agency listed in the petition and prove service to the court.

Post-Expungement Benefits in Indiana

After successfully expunging your criminal record in Indiana, you can proudly move forward with an enhanced quality of life. This process offers a second chance at a future that is unencumbered by the trappings of the past. You can legally state on job applications and rental agreements that you have not been arrested or convicted of the expunged crime, and employers are not allowed to ask about those expunged records.

The rights restored through expungement are comprehensive. They include the right to not have the expunged crimes considered personal financial obligations or sentencing enhancements, the right to engage in a non-restricted occupation licensure or certification, and certain property rights and interests will be reinstated.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Pursuing Expungement

Understanding the nuances and intricacies of the legal system is beyond the reach of the average individual. That’s why one of the most common mistakes is attempting to file an expungement petition without legal representation. A single misstep, such as missing a required filing or using incorrect legal language, can lead to severe consequences, prolonging the timeline of your expungement or even leading to a denial of your petition.

Another mistake is not being thorough in disclosing criminal history. Complete transparency is vital. Any omissions or discrepancies can erode the trust of the judiciary and, potentially, affect the outcome of your petition.


For Indiana residents carrying the burden of a criminal past, the expungement and sealing process is a beacon of hope. It represents an opportunity to redefine your future, regain your lost rights, and take control of your narrative. By understanding the eligibility criteria, meticulously navigating the application process, and avoiding common pitfalls, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

The road to expungement is not an easy one, and it’s not a path that you should walk alone. By enlisting the support of legal professionals well-versed in expungement cases, you’re not just investing in your future, but you’re also investing in the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a dedicated partner in securing your fresh start.

Take the first step towards a brighter future by learning more about expungement in Indiana and seizing the opportunity to clear your name. Contact us at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced expungement lawyer in Indianapolis. Our Indiana criminal expungement services start as low as $850!

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Wiping the Slate Clean: Navigating Indiana’s Expungement Process for a New Beginning

Life is a series of chapters, each one leading to the next, and sometimes, those chapters include mistakes. But what if you could turn the page, and the world would see only the person you’ve become, not the errors of your past? In Indiana, the expungement process offers just that: a rare second chance.

Navigating the labyrinthine process of criminal record expungement can be daunting, especially in states with specific regulations like Indiana. This guide sheds light on the path to a clean criminal slate, demystifying the steps that can lead to a brighter future.

Call 317-636-7514 for Certified Criminal Record Expungement Help in Indianapolis
Call 317-636-7514 for Certified Criminal Record Expungement Help in Indianapolis

Understanding the Expungement Process in Indiana

Indiana’s expungement laws allow for the sealing or removal of criminal records under certain conditions. The first step for anyone considering expungement is knowing the criteria, gathering the necessary paperwork, and understanding the legal framework.

Criteria: Who Qualifies for Expungement?

Indiana law specifies clear criteria for those who can seek expungement. Generally, individuals with arrests or certain misdemeanor convictions, who haven’t had any criminal charges within a set waiting period, can apply. Felonies that aren’t eligible for expungement include sexual offenses, homicide, and public corruption.

Required Documents: What You’ll Need

A successful expungement application in Indiana hinges on meticulous document preparation. You’ll need your complete criminal history, court records for each case, and evidence of compliance with all court orders, including fines and restitution.

Filing Procedures: Navigating the Bureaucracy

The process begins with the filling out of a Petition for Expungement, a form unique to Indiana, tailored to your circumstances. Filing includes service on the prosecuting attorney, and hearings may be necessary to argue your case.

Applying for Expungement in Indiana

The application process is the heart of expungement, and it’s not for the faint of heart. The complexity, not to mention the stakes, demands careful attention to detail.

Legal Guidance: The Value of an Attorney

Given the complexity of the procedure and the potential for setbacks, the guiding hand of an experienced criminal record expungement attorney often proves invaluable. Legal representation can expedite the process and improve your odds of success substantially.

The Waiting Game: Patience is a Virtue

After filing, the waiting game begins. For those with multiple criminal cases or complex histories, it can take months or even years for the legal gears to turn before a decision is made.

The Impact of Expungement: A Fresh Start

Once the expungement order is granted, the impact can be life-changing. For individuals, expungement means doors that were once closed, such as employment opportunities and housing, begin to open.

Unleashing Potential: Benefits for Individuals

With an expunged record, you are no longer required to disclose your past on job applications or in interviews, clearing the way for honest work. The psychological weight is lifted, too, freeing you to pursue personal and professional growth without the stigma of your past.

Community Reintegration: A Win for Everyone

While the focus is often on individuals, expungement also serves broader goals. It facilitates the social reintegration of those who have paid their debt to society, fostering a more inclusive and equitable community.

Final Thoughts

The expungement process isn’t easy, but it’s a beacon of hope for many in Indiana. To all those considering this path, seek legal assistance, comply with all requirements, and above all, trust in the power of a new beginning.

For those who may be torn about taking the first step, remember, the cost of pursuing expungement is far outweighed by the benefits it can bring to your life and the lives of those around you. This is your opportunity to start a new chapter—make it a good one.

Are you ready to learn if you qualify for criminal record expungement in Indiana? Contact us at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced expungement lawyer in Indianapolis. Our Indiana criminal expungement services start as low as $850!

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Breaking Down the Eligibility Requirements for Criminal Record Expungement

Navigating the labyrinth of the legal system can be daunting, especially when it involves something as personal and impactful as a criminal record. Among the variety of legal avenues available, criminal record expungement stands out as a beacon of hope for those seeking a fresh start. This process, also known as record sealing, can prove to be a lifeline, offering a clean slate and the freedom from past transgressions that often hinder personal and professional growth.

In this blog post, we will delve into the intricate world of criminal record expungement, breaking down the eligibility requirements and shedding light on how an expungement lawyer can guide you through this complex process.

Call 317-636-7514 for Expungement Services Near Indianapolis
Call 317-636-7514 for Expungement Services Near Indianapolis

The Basics of Criminal Record Expungement

Criminal record expungement is the process of having a criminal conviction or arrest removed from an individual’s record, making it inaccessible to public view. While this process varies from state to state, the general purpose remains the same – to give individuals with past offenses a second chance at life. Successful expungement can lead to improved job prospects, better housing opportunities, and overall peace of mind. However, not everyone is eligible for this legal remedy. Let’s take a closer look at the eligibility requirements.

Understanding Eligibility Requirements

The first step towards expungement is determining whether an individual meets the criteria set by their state laws. Generally, eligibility is contingent on factors such as the type of offense, time since conviction or arrest, and the individual’s criminal history. In most cases, minor offenses like misdemeanors have a higher chance of being expunged compared to serious felonies.

Furthermore, many states require a certain waiting period after completing the sentence before becoming eligible for expungement. This varies depending on the severity of the offense and can range from a few months to several years.

Additionally, individuals with multiple convictions or arrests may face stricter requirements or may not be eligible at all. It is crucial to consult with an expungement lawyer who can provide personalized guidance and assistance in navigating the eligibility requirements.

Hiring an Expungement Lawyer

While it may seem tempting to handle the expungement process on your own, it is highly recommended to seek professional legal counsel. An experienced Indiana expungement lawyer can assess your eligibility, gather necessary documents, and evidence, and present a strong case in court on your behalf. They can also guide you through any potential roadblocks or challenges that may arise during the process. Moreover, a criminal record expungement attorney can expedite the overall process and increase your chances of a successful outcome.


In conclusion, criminal record expungement and record sealing can be a life-changing legal remedy for individuals seeking a fresh start. However, it is vital to understand and meet the eligibility requirements outlined by state laws. Consulting with an expungement lawyer can provide invaluable support and increase your chances of a successful outcome. Remember, everyone deserves a second chance, and criminal record expungement is here to help make that possible.  So, if you or someone you know may be eligible for this process, don’t hesitate to seek professional legal assistance and take the first step towards a brighter future.  Keep moving forward!

Taking advantage of Indiana’s expungement laws can help you move forward in life and open up more opportunities for you in the future. Contact us at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced expungement lawyer in Indianapolis. Our Indiana criminal expungement services start as low as $850!

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A Guide for Obtaining an Order for Criminal Record Expungement in Indiana

Are you looking for a fresh start in life? If so, you may be interested in learning about the process of obtaining an order for criminal record expungement in Indiana. Expunging your criminal records can help to remove any negative stigma associated with having a criminal history and open up new opportunities that may have been previously unavailable to you.

In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to successfully obtain an order for criminal record expungement under Indiana’s Second Chance Law. We’ll also discuss who is eligible and what types of crimes are eligible for expungement. Read on to learn more!

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Certified Criminal Expungement Lawyer in Indianapolis!
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Certified Criminal Expungement Lawyer in Indianapolis!

Steps to Take to File for Criminal Record Expungement in Indiana

Step 1: Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer. A criminal defense lawyer who is well-versed in Indiana’s Second Chance law is your best bet at achieving a successful expungement. Just one small mistake will revoke your opportunity to expunge or seal criminal and arrest records, forever. An attorney knows how to meet all deadlines, fill out all paperwork, and appeal your criminal arrests, charges, and convictions.

Step 2: File a Petition for Expungement. The first step in the process of obtaining an order for criminal record expungement is to file a petition with the court in the county where you were convicted. You must provide detailed information about your case, including the date and location of your offense, the circumstances surrounding it, and why you believe that expunging your records will be beneficial to you. Be sure to include as much detail as possible and make sure all information is accurate.

Step 3: Attend Your Hearing. After you’ve filed your petition, a hearing date will be set for you and any other parties involved in the case to appear before a judge. During this hearing, both sides will have an opportunity to present their arguments. The judge will also ask questions about your petition and why you feel that expunging your records is in the best interest of both yourself and society. You should also be prepared to answer any potential objections from the opposing side.

Step 4: Wait for a Decision. After your hearing has concluded, the judge will then make their decision on whether or not they believe that expunging your criminal records is appropriate in your case. If the judge approves your request for record expungement, they will issue an order setting forth the specifics of how and when it must be done. Typically, this process can take anywhere from several weeks to a few months.

Who Is Eligible for Criminal Record Expungement in Indiana?

In order to be eligible for criminal record expungement in Indiana, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. For instance, you must have been convicted of a crime that is not listed as ineligible under the Second Chance Law. Additionally, if you were convicted of more than one offense or multiple counts of the same offense, all convictions must be considered eligible for expungement and cannot have resulted in jail time or prison sentences exceeding one year. Finally, if you are currently serving parole/probation or have any pending charges against you, then you will not qualify for record expungement at this time.

What Types of Offenses Are Eligible?

Under Indiana’s Second Chance Law, a variety of offenses are eligible for criminal record expungement. This includes certain misdemeanors, felonies, and juvenile convictions. Additionally, some traffic-related offenses can also be expunged in certain circumstances. Examples of these include driving while suspended or intoxicated (DWI), operating without insurance, speeding violations, and certain forms of reckless driving.

Expunge Criminal Records in Indiana Now!

Obtaining an order for criminal record expungement in Indiana is a multi-step process that requires careful consideration of your eligibility and the types of offenses you have been convicted of. By following our step-by-step guide, we hope to provide clarity on how to successfully navigate this legal process. If you are interested in learning more about criminal record expungement or Second Chance Law, please contact us today so that one of our experienced attorneys can answer any questions you may have. We look forward to helping you get the fresh start in life that you deserve!

Are you motivated to begin your journey of applying for an expungement on your criminal record in Indiana? Contact our Indianapolis Indiana criminal record expungement lawyers to learn how to begin your petition, today. Our expungement fees start as low as $850, and we never charge for initial consultations.

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How to Seal Your Criminal Records in the State of Indiana

If you have been convicted of a crime in the State of Indiana, it can be difficult to move forward with your life. A criminal record can haunt you for years, making it hard to find employment and housing. Fortunately, there is still hope – if you are eligible, you may be able to seal or expunge your criminal records in Indiana. Sealing or expunging your records will make them inaccessible by most employers and landlords.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to go about sealing or expunging your criminal records in the State of Indiana so that you can start fresh and move on with your life.

Call 317-636-7514 for Help With Criminal Record Sealing in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Call 317-636-7514 for Help With Criminal Record Sealing in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Record Sealing Versus Expungement

First, it’s important to understand the difference between record sealing and expungement. Record sealing means that your criminal records are sealed from public view but can still be viewed by law enforcement or other government agencies. Expungement is a more permanent process where eligible criminal records are completely destroyed, meaning they cannot be accessed by anyone but yourself.

Eligibility Requirements for Criminal Record Sealing

In order to get your criminal records sealed or expunged in Indiana, you must meet certain criteria. For example, you may not be eligible if you have multiple convictions or if the conviction is for a serious crime such as murder or sexual assault. Additionally, there may be waiting periods depending on the type of conviction and when it occurred. It’s important to note that not all criminal records are eligible for either sealing or expungement.

Hire a Criminal Expungement Lawyer

If you believe you may be eligible, the next step is to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer who specializes in appeals and expungements lawyer. An expungement lawyer can review your criminal record and determine if you are in fact eligible for sealing or expungement. If so, the attorney will then complete all necessary paperwork to begin the process. In some cases, it’s possible to do this yourself; however, having an experienced lawyer on your side is often a wise investment as they can ensure that everything goes smoothly and that no mistakes are made along the way.

An Expungement Attorney is Key to a Successful Record Sealing Process

Sealing or expunging your criminal records in Indiana is not always easy, but it can be done if you know what steps to take. With the right help and guidance, you can start anew and move forward with your life. If you think you may be eligible for sealing or expunging your criminal records in Indiana, contact an experienced expungement lawyer today to get started on this process.

Are the repercussions of your criminal past limiting the chances for personal and professional success? Contact our respected lawyers for affordable criminal record expungement services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our fees start as low as $850, and we never charge for initial consultations.

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Reclaiming Your Rights with the Indiana Second Chance Law

If you’ve been convicted of a crime in Indiana, it can be difficult to move on with your life. You may find that your criminal record makes it hard to get a job, housing, or other opportunities. But the Indiana Second Chance Law offers hope for those who have paid their debt to society and are ready for a fresh start. This law allows individuals to expunge their criminal records and reclaim their rights as citizens of Indiana. In this blog post, we will discuss how the Indiana Second Chance Law works, who is eligible for expungement under this law and what steps you need to take if you want to clear your criminal record in Indiana.

So, if you’re looking for a second chance at a better quality of life, read on!

Call 317-636-7514 to Meet With an Indiana Second Chance Lawyer Today!
Call 317-636-7514 to Meet With an Indiana Second Chance Lawyer Today!

How Criminal Record Expungement Can Help You

The Indiana Second Chance Law was enacted in 2019 to give people the opportunity to expunge their criminal records and start anew. Under this law, Indiana residents who have been convicted of any misdemeanor or felony can petition a court to have their criminal records expunged. It is important to note that not all crimes are eligible for expungement. Indiana state law outlines the specific types of misdemeanor and felony convictions that can be expunged under Indiana’s Second Chance Law.

In addition, certain conditions must be met in order for someone to become eligible for criminal record expungement. For example, Indiana residents must have completed all court-ordered sentences within a certain amount of time before they can file a petition for expungement. Indiana residents must also have been free from any criminal behavior or arrests within a certain amount of time before they can become eligible to seek criminal record expungement.

Once you’ve determined that you meet the requirements outlined in Indiana state law, it’s time to take the steps necessary to expunge your criminal record. The Indiana Second Chance Law requires Indiana residents to file a petition with the court in the county where their conviction took place. You will need to submit several documents with your petition, such as proof of completion of all court-ordered sentences and evidence that you have met all other criteria for criminal record expungement. After the court reviews your petition and all necessary documents, it will decide whether or not to expunge your criminal record.

Get a 2nd Change at Life With Criminal Record Expungement Services

Getting a second chance can be an incredibly powerful thing, and Indiana’s Second Chance Law offers Indiana residents this opportunity. If you are eligible for criminal record expungement under Indiana Second Chance Law, make sure you take the necessary steps to reclaim your rights as a citizen of Indiana. Start by hiring a qualified criminal defense attorney who is well-versed in criminal record expungement and record sealing in Indiana. They can determine your eligibility and make the best case for your petition.

Are you ready to get started on your petition for criminal record expungement in Indiana? Contact our Indianapolis Indiana criminal record expungement lawyers to learn how to begin your petition, today. Our expungement fees start as low as $850, and we never charge for initial consultations.

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What You Need to Know About Indiana’s Second Chance Law

If you have a criminal record in Indiana, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to get it cleared. The good news is, there is something you can do – and it’s called expungement. Below is everything you need to know about Indiana’s Second Chance Law to get started on the right path.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Certified Criminal Expungement Lawyer in Indianapolis!
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Certified Criminal Expungement Lawyer in Indianapolis!

What is Indiana’s Second Chance Law?

Indiana’s Second Chance Law is a law that is designed to help people who have been convicted of a crime get their life back on track. The law allows people who have been convicted of a crime to petition the court for a pardon. If the pardon is granted, the person is allowed to have their criminal record expunged. This means that the person’s criminal record will be sealed, and it will not be available to the public. This provides the individual with a clean start and allows them to move on with their life without being hindered by past mistakes.

The Second Chance Law in Indiana is designed to help those who want to live an honest and productive life after being convicted of a crime but are having difficulty doing so due to their criminal record. It also helps people find employment and housing opportunities that may have otherwise been denied them due to their criminal history. The Second Chance Law is an important part of the Indiana justice system and provides those who have made mistakes with a second chance at life.

Who is Eligible For Criminal Record Expungement in Indiana?

In Indiana, criminal record expungement is available to a limited number of people. Generally, those who are eligible for expungement are those who have been convicted of a crime but have since had their record cleared or pardoned. In some cases, those with a criminal record may be able to have their record expunged if they can show that they have been rehabilitated.

Specifically, those eligible for expungement may include people who have received pardons or had their cases dismissed; those convicted of misdemeanors who have completed all terms of sentencing and probation; individuals with multiple felonies (three or fewer) who have completed all terms of sentencing and probation; juveniles who have been convicted in adult court but were later found to be not culpable; and individuals who have had charges dismissed or their cases dropped.

In order to apply for expungement in Indiana, the individual must demonstrate that they have been rehabilitated and lead a crime-free life since their criminal conviction. They must also show that they are currently employed or attending school, or they may be able to demonstrate other evidence of rehabilitation.

Additionally, the individual must have completed all terms of their sentence, including fines and restitution orders, in order to be eligible for expungement. Finally, if a person has more than three felony convictions, they are usually not eligible for expungement. The rules can vary between counties and courts, so it is important to speak with an attorney or the court in order to make sure that you meet all eligibility requirements.

What are the Benefits of Indiana’s Second Chance Law?

Expungement can provide many benefits for those who qualify, including clearing up a criminal record and allowing individuals to apply for jobs and housing opportunities without disclosing their past convictions. If you think you may be eligible for expungement in Indiana, it is important to speak with an attorney or the court that issued your conviction.  They will be able to advise you on the best course of action and help you through the process.

In most cases, Indiana criminal record expungement can provide a fresh start for individuals who have been convicted of a crime. However, expungement is only available in limited circumstances, and it is important to ensure that you meet all eligibility requirements before applying. Once you have received your expungement, make sure to keep a copy of the court order so that you can provide proof if necessary.

By taking advantage of Indiana’s expungement laws and getting your record cleared, you can move forward with your life and get access to more opportunities in the future. Contact us at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced expungement lawyer in Indianapolis. Our Indiana criminal expungement services start as low as $850!

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The 3 Step Approach to Expunging a Criminal Record

Anyone who qualifies for criminal record expungement or sealing should immediately take advantage of Indiana’s Second Chance Law. There are many lobbyist parties against the new expungement laws, putting its sustainability in question. If you want to expunge a criminal record, do not feel confused about the process. The criminal expungement process is actually quite simple, so long as you educate yourself on the best practices and get started on the right track.

Continue below for a 3 step guide to expunging a criminal record in Indiana, plus a bonus tip on who to choose for qualified petitioning assistance.

Criminal Expungement Lawyer Marion County Indiana 317-636-7514
Criminal Expungement Lawyer Marion County Indiana 317-636-7514

How to Expunge a Criminal Record in Indiana

Finish All Sentencing Requirements

In order to be eligible for criminal record expungement, you must meet certain criteria. One of the most important elements of expungement eligibility is satisfying all court orders and sentencing terms. If you still haven’t finished your community service hours or attended a MADD victim impact panel, you must sign up and complete your requirements before you move onto the next step in the 3-step approach to expunging a criminal record in Indiana.

Learn Your Eligibility

Your next step is to verify your eligibility. Eligibility requirements are quite strict and extensive. In fact, determining eligibility for criminal record expungement is so complex, you are not expected to be able to do it yourself. This step requires the assistance of a licensed and experienced Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer who is well-versed in the criminal record expungement laws and procedures.

Not only are the eligibility requirements complicated, but the whole petitioning process is too. Just one single mistake, like a missed deadline or spelling error, can result in a rejection. This is serious because you are only allowed to petition one time. Once you do, you lose your right to do so again. For this reason, it is important to expunge multiple records at once with the help of a legal professional.

Submit a Petition

At this step in the criminal record expungement process, your attorney will submit your petition on a county level according to Indiana Code. This means that your petition will be filed in the same county as the criminal charge. So, if you were arrested in Noblesville, your lawyer will submit your petition in Hamilton County, Indiana.

Are you ready to get started on your petition for criminal record expungement in Indiana? Contact our Indianapolis Indiana criminal record expungement lawyers to learn how to begin your petition, today. Our expungement fees start as low as $850, and we never charge for initial consultations.

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