Pros and Cons Surrounding the Indiana Criminal Record Expungement Law

The new criminal record expungement laws are earning mixed reviews among lawyers, legal committees, counsels, and magistrates. The critics are arguing that the new law, permitting past convicted criminals to expunge their records, just doesn’t quite add up. These reconsiderations are now encouraging our communities to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the new record expungement law, and adopt our own outlooks or positions on it.

Indiana Record Expungement

The Indiana criminal record expungement law came into effect last year in an effort to relieve past offenders of their criminal record encumbrances. Its purpose is to allow people with a non-violent criminal record to conceal their criminal histories and arrest records from the public in order to qualify for better jobs and broader personal prospects. It prohibits the public, like employers and mortgage companies, from accessing a person’s criminal history in order to investigate their eligibility and entitlement. This means expunged records will not be revealed on a standard background check.

This new law is gaining much expected popularity among past Indiana offenders and criminals. According to a recent article published by, this year more than 270 requests for criminal records expungement were received in the first six months just in Monroe County, IN (“Prosecutors: Expungement Law” par. 3). There are two principle arguments that continue to arise when discussing the pros and cons to criminal record expungement. The first argument is that the law gives people another deserved opportunity they have longed for their whole lives; while the second argument remains that the law degrades and debases our country’s justice system by essentially eliminating the long-term consequences of committing a crime.

In the same article published by, Monroe County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Bob Miller was quoted telling the Herald-Times of Bloomington, “On the one hand, it provides a sort of amnesty for people who made a mistake when they were younger that has haunted them since in terms of education and employment. That part is a good thing…but victims can think it unfair for an offender to clear his or her records…”(“Prosecutors: Expungement Law” pars. 5-6). This tells us that there are both positive notes, as well as doubts, no matter which side of the debate you are asking.

Although many will argue that the process of judges and prosecutors granting expungement is becoming very hasty and routine, there are still those who draw the line. Prosecutors in various counties across Indiana are frequently denying requests for expungement where they see it’s not fit or justified. For example, criminals with certain felonies, like sexual or violent crimes, are still requesting expungement but not receiving approval because of the severity of their crimes. The unfortunate part is, judges are not allowed to weigh testimony from victims when a person is being reviewed for expungement. This means that many people that may not deserve a clean record are getting one anyway.

Works Cited: “Prosecutors: Expungement Law Has Good, Bad Sides.” Indiana Business Journal, 20 July 2014. Web. 07 Aug. 2014.

Indiana Expungement Lawyers

Call 317-636-7514 to expunge your criminal records in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are reputable and adept Indianapolis expungement lawyers that are well-versed and proficient in the new Indiana criminal record expungement laws. Call us today at 317-636-7514 to learn more about criminal record expungement in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.