Professional Licenses That Require a Criminal Background Check in Indiana

A professional license signifies that a person is fully-trained and legally authorized to perform specialized services within their vocation. They are also tools to help people secure higher-paying jobs, promotions, and occupational flexibility. Obtaining a professional license in any industry requires extensive work, dedication, and even money. And in Indiana, it also requires a moderately-clean criminal record. More than 40 professional licenses mandate a national criminal background scan before they are issued by the state.

Indiana Criminal Background Checks

In Indiana, any person that applies for a professional license or certificate must pass a national criminal history check. This includes licenses and certificates for nursing, teaching, dentistry, and more. A national criminal background scan will reveal any arrests, criminal charges, incarcerations, diversion programs, rehabilitation programs, and even traffic violations since the age of 18. Juvenile records of arrests and convictions will not appear.

The contents of a person’s criminal record will influence a board’s decision to either approve or deny a professional license. When a person has a criminal record, it is entirely up to the discretion of a board to either approve or deny a license. They can also request the applicant’s presence to discuss the matter in person. Prior to an in-person appearance, it is likely for the board to request additional information regarding the details of a person’s criminal history.

Professional Licenses that Require a Criminal Background Scan:

✒ Teacher
✒ Dentist
✒ Dental Hygienist
✒ Physician
✒ Physician Assistant
✒ Chiropractor
✒ Veterinarian
✒ Registered Veterinary Technician
✒ Physical Therapist
✒ Physical Therapist Assistant
✒ Optometrist
✒ Pharmacist
✒ Pharmacy Technician
✒ Clinical Social Worker
✒ Social Worker
✒ Osteopathic Physician
✒ Respiratory Care Practitioner
✒ Registered Nurse
✒ Advanced Practice Nurse
✒ Clinical Addition Counselor
✒ Health Facility Administrator
✒ Marriage and Family Therapist
✒ Marriage and Family Therapy Associate
✒ Podiatrist
✒ Occupational Therapist
✒ Occupational Therapy Assistant
✒ Speech Pathologist
✒ Speech-Language Pathology Associate/Aid/Assistant
✒ Private Investigator Psychologist
✒ Nurse Mid-Wife
✒ Real Estate Appraiser
✒ Acupuncturist
✒ Audiologist
✒ Dietician
✒ Genetic Counselor
✒ Massage Therapist
✒ And More


Indiana Criminal Record Expungement

Call 317-636-7514 if you are planning to apply for a professional license but have a criminal record in Indiana. Our law firm is well-versed in the Indiana criminal record expungement laws, and charges as low as $850 for our services. Whether you are looking to seal or expunge a criminal record, we are the criminal lawyers to trust for a hassle-free petitioning process. Call 317-636-7514 to learn more about Indianapolis criminal record expungement, today.

Are Voting Rights Restored After Expunging a Felony?

Two years ago, the Indiana expungement laws have granted past felons the opportunity to seal their criminal records. Before July of 2013, only charges that were dismissed, acquitted, dropped, or voided could be sealed, but then the expungement laws were revised and now convicted persons can have their criminal records expunged. Continue reading to learn more about felony expungement in Indiana, and who to call for reliable and professional filing services.

Felony Expungement

Although filing is a delicate process that cannot even start until a certain amount of time has passed (up to 10 years for felony charges), expungement services are well worth the patience and effort in the end. After a person has a felony record expunged, all of their civil rights are restored, including the right to vote, to be a juror, and the right to firearms. But there are stipulations to having these rights restored, and they are as follows:

• Must Not Be Incarcerated Since the Conviction
• Must Not Commit Any More Crimes Since the Conviction
• Must Not Be On Probation Since the Conviction
• Must Pay All Legal Restitution On Time for the Conviction
• Defendant Maintains a Clean Record Following Expungement

In order to expunge a felony record, a person must have all of their crime-committing days behind them. This is because a person can only have records expunged one time in Indiana. A person can expunge multiple charges and convictions so long as it is done all at the same time, but they only get once chance to file. If one filing mistake is made, the request is dismissed and a person loses their opportunity to file for expungement in Indiana forever.

For this reason, it is important to retain the services of a licensed attorney that is well-versed in the Indiana expungement laws and procedures. For a reasonable fee, an experienced lawyer can file all documents to the court and manage all other filing procedures for a defendant. This will ensure it gets done right the first time, which is the only time you have.

Indiana Expungement Lawyer

Call 317-636-7514 to learn about expunging criminal records in Indiana. We are well-versed in the new Indiana expungement laws and can answer your questions about eligibility and filing. Our rates start as low as $850 making our expungement services affordable for anyone. The fee increases as complexity and seriousness of charges increases. Call 317-636-7514 and speak with an Indiana expungement lawyer you can trust.

Learning the Difference Between Criminal Pardons and Criminal Expungement

As of right now, there are laws passed in Indiana that allow past convicts and criminals to conceal their public arrest records. Records can be fully sealed or partially sealed, depending on a person’s qualifications. All cases are different, but these records can include certain felonies, arrests, charges, convictions, misdemeanors, and more. There is a strict guideline that decides who is qualified for criminal record expungement, as well as, a rigid application process that often times throws individuals off course. This is why professional legal counsel is necessary for anyone who wishes to have arrest records expunged. There are also application fees and several other types of prerequisites.

Legal Pardons

A legal pardon is entirely different from criminal expungement. Although, their similarities makes it understandable why many confuse the two terms with one another. A legal pardon is the government’s way of forgiving a person for their crime or crimes. Depending on the state, if a person has a crime pardoned by the government, it will most likely still show up on public databases, but it will also show that the person was pardoned for the incident.

Criminal Expungement

In contrast to being pardoned for a crime, criminal record expungement does not “forgive” an individual for the crimes they committed, but they will treat it as though it never happened. It is a classic case of forgive or forget, where pardons are “forgiving” and expungement is “forgetting.” When a person has their arrest records expunged, they no longer show up on public databases, and they are no longer penalized for their past criminal history. They are free to apply for jobs, bank loans, apartments, and more!

The Law Office of David E. Lewis

Call 317-636-7514 for detailed explanations regarding the new criminal record expungement laws in Indiana. We are well-versed in the new Indiana expungement laws and can determine your eligibility today! Expungement prices start at $850 so schedule your initial consultation as soon as possible. Anyone can afford to have their criminal records expunged in Indiana at these prices! Call 317-636-7514 for information about the Indiana criminal record expungement process, and start opening doors that have been closed for much too long.

Criminal History Providers Forced to Make Changes for New Indiana Expungement Laws

With the new Indiana expungement options in place, criminal history providers must make changes to the methods of revealing criminal accounts for anyone who has had their criminal records expunged. Criminal history providers are organizations and companies that allow businesses, employers, and general public to see any person’s criminal record and past convictions. These providers are also called background screening companies (CRA’s) and commercial database companies. They are popularly called background checks, criminal record checks, and criminal history look-ups.

Criminal archives show arrests, jail time, convictions, charges, and more. Now that Indiana has passed criminal record expungement laws, individuals who qualify can have their records sealed from public access. This means criminal history providers and background check services must limit the way they reveal a person’s public records in compliance with the expungement new laws.

Criminal Record Expungement

In order to qualify for criminal record expungement, a person must exhibit all prerequisites mandated by law. Depending on the amount of time that’s passed since the date of the conviction, current criminal mischief, the crime or conviction committed, and more, an individual may or may not qualify, or not qualify just yet. It is important to consult an Indianapolis criminal record expungement attorney to determine a person’s eligibility. You can only file to expunge your criminal records once in a lifetime. If even one tiny filing mistake is made or overlooked, it can cost you your investment into attorney fees and your opportunity to conceal your criminal records for good. A licensed attorney, well-versed in the new expungement laws, can accurately guide you through the process or implement the filing work for you to ensure accuracy.

Once a person’s criminal records are expunged, criminal history providers must prohibit revealing:

• Arrests w/o Convictions
• Infractions w/o Convictions
• Charges w/o Convictions
• Record or Proof of Expungement
• D-Felonies Converted to A-Misdemeanors
• Inaccurate Records

Criminal History Providers Must Also:

1. Complete an Annual Record Inspection to Make Sure All Records are Current and Updated, and All Information is Accurate and True

2. Annually Remove All Inaccurate and Incorrect Information in Records

3. Only Disclose Accurate and Precise Information Pertaining to a Conviction

Criminal Record Expungement Attorneys

Call 317-636-7514 for help with filing for criminal record expungement in Indiana. Get accurate advice and legal counsel for expunging criminal records in Indianapolis, IN. Costs start at only $850, and range depending on criminal history and convictions. Call 317-636-7514 to file for criminal record expungement in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Pros and Cons Surrounding the Indiana Criminal Record Expungement Law

The new criminal record expungement laws are earning mixed reviews among lawyers, legal committees, counsels, and magistrates. The critics are arguing that the new law, permitting past convicted criminals to expunge their records, just doesn’t quite add up. These reconsiderations are now encouraging our communities to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the new record expungement law, and adopt our own outlooks or positions on it.

Indiana Record Expungement

The Indiana criminal record expungement law came into effect last year in an effort to relieve past offenders of their criminal record encumbrances. Its purpose is to allow people with a non-violent criminal record to conceal their criminal histories and arrest records from the public in order to qualify for better jobs and broader personal prospects. It prohibits the public, like employers and mortgage companies, from accessing a person’s criminal history in order to investigate their eligibility and entitlement. This means expunged records will not be revealed on a standard background check.

This new law is gaining much expected popularity among past Indiana offenders and criminals. According to a recent article published by, this year more than 270 requests for criminal records expungement were received in the first six months just in Monroe County, IN (“Prosecutors: Expungement Law” par. 3). There are two principle arguments that continue to arise when discussing the pros and cons to criminal record expungement. The first argument is that the law gives people another deserved opportunity they have longed for their whole lives; while the second argument remains that the law degrades and debases our country’s justice system by essentially eliminating the long-term consequences of committing a crime.

In the same article published by, Monroe County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Bob Miller was quoted telling the Herald-Times of Bloomington, “On the one hand, it provides a sort of amnesty for people who made a mistake when they were younger that has haunted them since in terms of education and employment. That part is a good thing…but victims can think it unfair for an offender to clear his or her records…”(“Prosecutors: Expungement Law” pars. 5-6). This tells us that there are both positive notes, as well as doubts, no matter which side of the debate you are asking.

Although many will argue that the process of judges and prosecutors granting expungement is becoming very hasty and routine, there are still those who draw the line. Prosecutors in various counties across Indiana are frequently denying requests for expungement where they see it’s not fit or justified. For example, criminals with certain felonies, like sexual or violent crimes, are still requesting expungement but not receiving approval because of the severity of their crimes. The unfortunate part is, judges are not allowed to weigh testimony from victims when a person is being reviewed for expungement. This means that many people that may not deserve a clean record are getting one anyway.

Works Cited: “Prosecutors: Expungement Law Has Good, Bad Sides.” Indiana Business Journal, 20 July 2014. Web. 07 Aug. 2014.

Indiana Expungement Lawyers

Call 317-636-7514 to expunge your criminal records in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are reputable and adept Indianapolis expungement lawyers that are well-versed and proficient in the new Indiana criminal record expungement laws. Call us today at 317-636-7514 to learn more about criminal record expungement in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.

Expunging Adult Criminal Records in Indiana

Any adult that has a past criminal record in Indiana has certainly experienced some road blocks in life. Any crimes, felonies, arrests, charges, and more are permanently recorded in state police records, public databases, and their personal record. These records affect people when they are applying for jobs, renting an apartment, applying for a loan, buying a house, and more. Managers, supervisors, business owners, banks, landlords, and more frequently inquire about police and criminal records during application processes. Although it seems intrusive, it is their way of accessing a person’s ability to perform well on the job, pay back a loan, responsibly rent an apartment, etcetera.

Criminal histories almost always make these ventures impossible or extremely difficult. It is not likely that a person will be hired for a job, approved for a bank loan, or handed a contract for an apartment if they have a lengthy criminal record. Why would they when there might be several other candidates that do not have criminal records? The good news is that there is a new law that allows past convicts to hide or expunge these criminal records from people such as this and make their lives better. Continue reading to learn about expunging adult criminal records in Indiana.

Indiana Criminal Record Expungement for Adults

To expunge a criminal record is not the same thing as magically erasing these charges from a person’s record. A person is still guilty of their past crimes and they will still be visible and attainable on police records and other governmental databases like the DMV and social security office. However, expungement hides these past criminal charges from the public view; making it impossible for employers, landlords, and other public viewers to see a person’s criminal history. There are some crimes that cannot be expunged; such as murder, rape, child molestation, etc. For the most part, misdemeanors and non-violent felonies are able to be expunged.

To expunge an adult criminal record, there are a few rules and guidelines that a person must follow. There is also a substantial amount of criteria they must fit in order to expunge criminal records. To understand these guidelines and to see if someone is eligible for criminal record expungement, they must consult a lawyer that is familiar with the new law.

Indianapolis Criminal Record Expungement Lawyers

Call 317-636-7514 for information about criminal record expungement in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are highly knowledgeable on the new laws, criteria, and processes for adult criminal record expungement in Indiana. Visit our website at for details about our services and company background. For accurate and reliable information about adult criminal record expungement in Indianapolis, IN, call 317-636-7514 for a free consultation today.