Kids are known to make mistakes. Now under a new expungement law in Indiana, minors with criminal records can get a fresh start by sealing their juvenile court histories. They can legally file a petition to the courts, requesting criminal record expungement of their past criminal convictions. If they are granted expungement, they can start right away by hiring an attorney that specializes in this new law.
Juvenile Criminal Expungement
When a person expunges their past criminal and court records, they can legally tell potential employers, landlords, licensing agencies, and more that they have never been arrested or convicted of a crime. However, there are several stipulations and perquisites for a person to qualify for expungement. To determine if someone is eligible for criminal expungement, it is best to consult a licensed attorney who is well-versed in this area of law. They can inform you of all the steps and procedures involved in filing for record expungement, and can facilitate all of the proper requirements and obligations accurately. Having a lawyer on your side is vital in order to be approved for expungement because, under law, a person has only one chance in their lifetime to file for expungement. If one document or paperwork is filed incorrectly, a person loses their opportunity to expunge their court records.
Here are the general eligibility guidelines, subject to vary depending on individual circumstances and convictions, for juvenile record expungement:
1. Age – Must Be 18 Years Old or Older
2. Time Passed – Must Be At Least 5 Years Since Date of Minor’s Conviction
3. Type of Offense – Serious Convictions Cannot Be Expunged (i.e. crimes that would be felony offenses in adult court)
4. Subsequent Crimes – Petitions Will Be Denied if Succeeding Adult Convictions Exist
In order to file for juvenile expungement, a person must meet all of the above criteria, then follow these steps:
1. Hire a Licensed Indianapolis Attorney
2. File a Petition to the Juvenile Court Clerk in the County of Conviction or Arrest
3. Pay a Court Filing Fee
Indiana Expungement Services for Juveniles and Adults
Call 317-636-7514 for juvenile expungement services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are extensively well-versed in the new criminal record expungement laws, and can assist you in accurate and precise filing services. If you were arrested or convicted of a crime in your adolescent years, you may be eligible for expungement. Call us today at 317-636-7514 and schedule a free initial consultation for us to assess your eligibility for criminal record expungement in Indiana.