Criminal record expungement laws and requirements differ from state to state, all across the country. It is important to talk to a licensed attorney that specializes in your state’s new expungement laws so that you may determine your eligibility first before moving forward with the application process. Many individuals with drug offenses and convictions ask about the possibility and the process of expunging such records, but have no success in finding the right answers. Here in this blog, we will skim the surface of expunging drug offenses and charges, and then provide you the resources to discuss this topic in detail with a licensed criminal record expungement attorney.
Expunging Drug Convictions
There are several types of controlled substance and drug convictions a person could have on their record. For example, someone could be charged with being under the influence of drugs, possession of drugs, possession with intent to distribute, transporting a controlled substance, marijuana cultivation, possession of paraphernalia, and more. Depending on the severity of the crime (felony or misdemeanor), the individual’s past criminal history, and the particular state in which the crime occurred, the degree of difficulty and amount of time to expunge such records will vary. All of these variables, and more, will play a role in the expungement process.
For first-time offenders, there might also be the option of enrolling in a drug diversion program. Many jurisdictions offer drug diversion programs that will automatically expunge a drug-related arrest and charge once the individual successfully completes the program on time without any other convictions or arrests. Individuals must plead guilty to the charges and then they can be granted entry into a substance abuse program. These programs are generally only available for individuals without a previous arrest record or criminal history and who were arrested and charged with a misdemeanor drug crime like possession or possession of paraphernalia. The diversionary period can last anywhere from 12 to 18 months, depending on the county and the program. Once the program is completed, an individual can legally claim that they have never been arrested for a drug charge.
Indianapolis Criminal Record Expungement
Call 317-636-7514 for information about Indianapolis criminal record expungement and eligibility requirements. Prices for our criminal record expungement services start as low as $850, and fluctuate depending on the complexity of an individual’s case. We are a professional Indiana corporation that offers friendly and knowledgeable counsel for those who wish to expunge criminal records in Indiana. Call 317-636-7514 and speak with a qualified lawyer about expunging arrest records in Indianapolis, IN.