How Many Times Can I Request Expungement?

Indiana criminal record expungement is a unique and useful law that allows qualified petitioners to seal criminal charges and arrest records from public access. This opportunity can provide a better quality of life for someone who has been arrested or charged with a crime because employers and licensing organizations cannot access their past criminal records upon investigation, even if they opt to pay for a more comprehensive criminal background check.

Although this new law sounds like a dream come true, there are some important restrictions you must be aware of before launching your own petition, including how many times you can request expungement and how long you have to get your petition submitted.

Expungement Lawyers Indianapolis IN 317-636-7514

You Can Only Request Expungement Once

As mentioned, the New Indiana expungement law is a unique one, and one such uniqueness is its exclusivity. A person can only request criminal record expungement one time. This means that if your motion is denied, you can never petition for expungement ever again. More stressing, a single error can cause a petition to be rejected, such as a misspelled word or missed deadline.

For these reasons, it is critical to ensure your criminal record expungement petition is navigated flawlessly and executed in accordance with all local regulations and time restrictions. In order to ensure this level of efficiency and accuracy, you must hire an Indianapolis IN expungement lawyer to assist with your case. This is especially important if you have arrest records in more than one county. You can expunge them all at the same time and your lawyer can manage it all.

Time Restrictions for Criminal Record Expungement

Once an expungement petition is set into motion by the residing criminal attorney, there are various deadlines that will need to be met. But the time restrictions that are important to you as the petitioner come far before your expungement petition gets underway. In order to be eligible for criminal record expungement, your past arrest or criminal charge must not have resulted in a conviction.

Furthermore, it must be at least 8 years from the date of a felony charge and at least 5 years from the date of a misdemeanor charge. There are additional time restrictions that are specific to the type of criminal charge. Your expungement lawyer can help you identify all the time restrictions relevant to your case.

Are you are wondering about your eligibility for expungement? Contact us at 317-636-7514 to speak with an experienced expungement lawyer in Indianapolis who is well-versed in the new criminal record expungement law. Our Indiana criminal expungement services start as low as $850!

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Warning: An Expunged Criminal Record is NOT Destroyed
Can You Expunge Federal Convictions?
Can the Indiana Expungement Law Help Juveniles?

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney Indiana
Indiana Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

What You Might Be Able to Expunge From Your Indiana Criminal Record

The laws and procedures for criminal record expungement and sealing vary from state to state, so it is important to discuss your state’s particular ordinances with a licensed criminal defense lawyer who is well-versed in the new law. As a resident of Indiana, continue below to learn which criminal records you may be able to expunge, and which are not eligible ever under state law.

Indianapolis IN Criminal Record Expungement
Indianapolis IN Criminal Record Expungement 317-636-7514

What May Qualify and What May Not

Records That May Qualify:

► Arrest Records (As Long as No Conviction Resulted)

► All Misdemeanor Criminal Charges and Convictions

► Class D Felony Charges Reduced to Misdemeanors

► Class D Felony Convictions (Such as: OWI/DUI with Priors, Theft, Possession, Fraud, Intimidation, etc.)

► All Other Felonies (Excluding Sex Crimes, Felonies Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury, Elected Official Misconduct, Human Trafficking, Violent Crimes, Homicide, etc.)

**The excluded felonies may be expunged by a court under specific circumstances. Call 317-636-7514 to learn these qualifications.

**Generally, a person cannot expunge violent crimes or sex crimes.

Felonies That Cannot Be Expunged in Indiana:

☇ Murder
☇ Involuntary/Voluntary Manslaughter
☇ Human Trafficking
☇ Reckless Homicide
☇ Feticide
☇ Causing or Assisting Suicide
☇ Transferring Contaminated Bodily Fluids
☇ Rape
☇ Kidnapping        
☇ Sexual Misconduct with a Minor
☇ Child Solicitation/Molestation/Seduction
☇ Sexual Battery
☇ Vicarious Sexual Gratification
☇ Criminal Deviate Conduct
☇ Unlawful Employment Near Children by Sexual Offender
☇ Internet/Residency Sex Offender
☇ Inappropriate Communication with a Child
☇ And More

What Happens if Your Expungement Petition is Granted?


☇ Court Files
☇ Police Records
☇ Department of Correction Files
☇ Drivers’ License Branch Files
☇ Substance Abuse Counselor Records
☇ And More


☇ Suspend
☇ Expel
☇ Refuse Employment
☇ Refuse Admittance
☇ Deny Permits or Licenses
☇ Discriminate in Any Way
☇ Ask About Sealed or Expunged Records


☇ Right to Vote
☇ Right to Hold Public Office
☇ Right to Own/Possess a Firearm (unless otherwise prohibited by law)
☇ And so much more!

Are you ready to learn if you qualify for criminal record expungement in Indiana? Contact us at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced expungement lawyer in Indianapolis. Our Indiana criminal expungement services start as low as $850!

You Should Also Read:

Can I Expunge a DUI Conviction in Indiana?
Can I Expunge My Criminal Record Yet?
Can I Apply for Expungement With a Pending Criminal Charge?

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney Indiana
Indiana Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

Can I Apply for Expungement With a Pending Criminal Charge?

When it comes to criminal record expungement, there are several rules, restrictions, and limitations involved in the process, from the initial petitioning stage, to final judgement. This means that not all applicants are eligible. For most, there are long waiting periods before becoming eligible for criminal record expungement for record sealing. And for those with pending criminal charges, the wait will be even longer.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about expungement eligibility in Indiana, and how long you might have to wait before you qualify.

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney
Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

Pending Criminal Charges

If a person has current criminal charges pending, they are not eligible to expunge their criminal records. Once the charges are dealt with accordingly, and are no longer pending, and the individual is no longer on probation, they can then apply for criminal record expungement. This, however, does not mean they will be eligible. There are several prerequisites and requirements for eligibility. Factors such as time, the type of offense, the state, and more, all influence a person’s chances of being approved for record expungement.

Possible Timelines for Indiana Expungement

You must wait for a certain amount of time from the date of arrest before being eligible to petition for criminal record expungement. The amount of time you must wait largely depends on your criminal history and the convictions you have. They are as follows:

Dismissed Cases = 1 Year
Cases w/No Conviction = 1 Year
Misdemeanor Convictions = 5 Years
Level D Felony Convictions = 8 Years
Other Felony Convictions = 8 Years, or 3 Years from sentencing completion date – whichever comes later.
Serious Felony Convictions = 10 Years, or 5 Years from sentencing completion date – whichever comes later.

If You Don’t Qualify for Expungement

If you do not meet the eligibility requirements for criminal record expungement, you may still qualify for record sealing or “shielding.” Your licensed criminal defense lawyer can make this determination for you, but the primary differences between expungement and sealing is who can access the records and who cannot. See our blog, “What is the Difference Between Expunging and Sealing a Criminal Record?” to learn more.

Determining Your Eligibility Status

The eligibility requirements for sealing and expunging arrest records are quite complex. Furthermore, the process that is required of a petitioner is complicated, and revolves around a stringent schedule that’s difficult to follow. For this reason, it is important to review the criminal expungement laws and procedures before you begin on your petition. Consult with a licensed criminal defense lawyer for information about record expungement and sealing in Indiana.

How to Get Started on Your Petition

Call 317-636-7514 if you would like to petition for restricted access or criminal record expungement in Indianapolis. We are happily provide free initial consultations to discuss your case without any out-of-pocket obligations. And our rates start as low as $850! We are eager to help you reform your criminal record so that you can have the quality of life you and your loved ones deserve.

How to Get Started With Criminal Record Expungement in Indiana

The new state criminal record expungement law, also known as the Indiana Second Chance Law, officially took effect on July 1st of 2013.  Since then, thousands of Hoosiers have taken advantage of the opportunity, and as a result, opened more doors for employment, housing, loans, school, and more. If you have a past criminal record, whether from your juvenile years or as an adult, you may be eligible to have these records sealed from public access.

Not only will private parties be prohibited from viewing your criminal records, public parties like employers, banks, landlords, and more will also be blocked from such information. Furthermore, with expunged records, you can honestly and legally answer “no” when potential employers ask you if you have ever been convicted of or arrested for a crime. Continue reading to learn more about getting started on a criminal record expungement application.

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514
Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

If your petition is granted, criminal records are removed from court files, police records, Department of Correction files, drivers’ license branch files, substance abuse counselor records, and more. Also, it will be illegal for any institution or employer to suspend expel, refuse employment, refuse admittance, deny permits or licenses for occupational or professional activity, or discriminate in any way. Furthermore, certain rights are restored, such as the right to vote, hold public office, and own or possess a firearm (unless otherwise prohibited by law).

Act Fast Before the Law is Appealed

Although this law has been around for a few years now, it is still not a popular one among certain lobbyist parties. This means it may not be around much longer; so act fast and see if you qualify for Indiana criminal record expungement. Here is exactly how to get started on your petition:

Step ❶ – Contact a Licensed Criminal Defense Lawyer Who Specializes in Expungement

Step ❷– Determine Your Eligibility for Criminal Record Expungement

Step ❸ – File Your Petition With Your Lawyer’s Assistance

Step ❹– Enjoy Your New Life as a Record-Free Hoosier!

Where to Get Expungement Help in Indianapolis?

Call The Law Firm of Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to get started on the Indiana criminal record expungement application process. We offer professional criminal record expungement services starting as low as $850! As a seasoned criminal defense law firm, we are well-versed in the Indiana expungement laws, and know exactly how to file and obtain a legal expungement, successfully. Call our office at 317-636-7514 and schedule a free initial consultation to determine your eligibility, today.

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514
Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

How to Find Affordable Criminal Expungement Services in Indiana

If you have heard rumors about the possibility of cleaning up your permanent record, you have heard right. A new law in Indiana that is in currently in affect, often referred to as “Indiana’s Second Chance Law”, allows certain convictions, charges, and arrests to be expunged or restricted from a person’s criminal record. Arrest records, misdemeanors, citations, and even some D Felonies, may all be expunged so long as the petitioner qualifies. Not only must you qualify, you must take action while this new law is still active! Many powerful leaders in Indiana are not supporters of this law, so it may not last much longer.

Learn how to get started on your try at criminal record expungement and record sealing.

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

How to Find Dependable Expungement Assistance

Before taking your first step in the criminal expungement application process, it is helpful to obtain a copy of your criminal records. The best way to do this is to contact the local sheriff or clerk’s office in the county of your offense. They should be able to provide a records you need. If you have offenses in more than one county, it would be most efficient to have your expungement lawyer recover these documents for you. They have resources that make locating multiple crime records, easier.

Hire a Reputable Criminal Lawyer

Your first step in filing a petition for criminal record expungement is finding a reputable Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer who is well-versed in the Indiana Second Chance laws. The expungement petitioning process is highly complex, complicated, and strict; just one simple spelling error can eliminate your opportunity at expunging your criminal records, forever. You can only apply once in your entire life. Furthermore, you may not qualify for expungement, but still qualify for record sealing and more. They can tell you this information and more, which is why you must discuss your eligibility first, before spending any time or money filing a petition.

How to Qualify for Expungement

There are several stipulations and prerequisites that prohibit certain people from expunging their criminal records. In order to understand your qualification, contact one of their licensed and certified lawyers for expungement eligibility information in your county. Their attorneys are highly skilled and practiced litigators that offer all first consultations for free; so long as the client is qualified for expungement.

The Cost of an Expungement Petition

The total cost of expunging or sealing your arrest records will depend on a variety of factors, primarily your lawyer’s rate, plus the type of record you wish to expunge. For instance, if you do not have a conviction on your criminal record, and you were only arrested but never criminally-charged, you won’t have to pay anything to file. The filing fee for someone expunging an arrest is free. Now on the other hand, if you are seeking to expunge a conviction, then your filing fee is NOT free.

Current Indiana Expungement Filing Fee for Conviction: $161.00
Current Indiana Expungement Filing Fee for Non-Conviction: $0

You could face additional court fees as well, depending on the severity of your criminal charges and the complexity of your criminal history. Such fees could include administration fees, document storage fees, philanthropic donation fees, insurance fees, automated record keeping fees, and more.

Where to Get Started With Your Expungement

Criminal Record Expungement 317-636-7514

Criminal Record Expungement 317-636-7514

Call 317-636-7514 if you have a criminal record in Indiana. Our law firm is well-versed in the Indiana criminal record expungement laws, and charges as low as $850 for our services. Whether you are looking to seal or expunge a criminal record, we are the criminal lawyers to trust for a hassle-free petitioning process. Call 317-636-7514 to learn more, today.

It’s Still Not Too Late to Take Advantage of Indiana’s Second Chance Law

If you have been meaning to get around to petitioning for criminal record expungement or sealing, you still haven’t missed your opportunity! Indiana’s Second Chance Law is still active and anyone who qualifies is encouraged to take advantage of this judicial leniency by starting your petition right now. Just remember, this law is not a popular among officials and can be repealed any day now.

Continue reading to learn how to get started on your criminal record expungement or record sealing petition!

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

Here is a quick guide to starting the criminal record expungement process in Indiana:

Recall all previous arrests and/or convictions and their dates.

Gather all related legal paperwork for each arrest and/or conviction.

Call a criminal record expungement attorney.

Schedule a free initial consultation to assess your eligibility for expungement.

Retain the services of a licensed Indiana criminal record expungement lawyer.

Follow all instructions and counsel recommended by your attorney.

Get Started Before it’s Too Late

It is highly recommended to consult a lawyer about applying for criminal record expungement before it is too late and the opportunity is gone. You may only apply for criminal expungement once in a lifetime, and one mistake can stop s person from qualifying; which is why you need a lawyer. They know how to implement the legal process of applying for record restrictions and can do so without making any mistakes or errors.

Criminal Record Expungement Legal Assistance

Criminal Record Expungement 317-636-7514

Criminal Record Expungement 317-636-7514

Call The Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 if you would like to petition for restricted access or criminal record expungement in Indianapolis. We are happily provide free initial consultations to discuss your case without any out-of-pocket obligations. And our rates start as low as $850! We are eager to help you reform your criminal record so that you can have the quality of life you and your loved ones deserve. Call 317-636-7514 to schedule an appointment, today.

Clarification of Indiana Adult Criminal Record Expungement

Any person with a criminal record can expect a few road blocks along the way. This is especially pertinent when it comes to applying for a job or renting a home. Landlords, supervisors, and managers commonly inquire about criminal histories to better understand the candidate and their ability to perform well on the job or care for a home.

If a person has a criminal record, past convictions, or arrests on their personal and public record, getting hired or approved for a rental is difficult and almost improbable. Fortunately, a new law has passed allowing past convicts or persons with criminal histories, to seal their adult criminal records from agencies and organization such as these. Continue reading to learn more about expunging adult criminal records and how to get started in your home town.

What Does it Mean to Seal a Person’s Criminal Records?

Criminal record expungement refers to the process in which a person hides or seals their past criminal convictions and arrests from public access. This means if a landlord or potential employer asks if you’ve been arrested and convicted of a crime, you can legally say no. There are several details and stipulations that are involved with the expungement process; which is why a lawyer is highly recommended. Not everyone is eligible for expungement so it is important to outsource professional legal assistance to facilitate the process exactly the way it should. If a person qualifies for expungement but makes a single mistake during the filing process, they lose out on dealing their records and cannot ever file again. You only get one chance to seal adult criminal records.

Eligibility Requirements for Record Expungement

When it comes to criminal record expungement, there are rules and requirements that a person must have. For example, depending on the type of charges, a person must wait at least five years from the date of conviction to even think about filing for record expungement. For more serious crimes, a person must wait at least 8 to 10 years from the date of arrest. Also, not all records are eligible for expungement; such as kidnapping, rape, murder, etc. It is important to hire a qualified and licensed attorney that specializes in criminal record expungement services. Because this law is new, there are many novice expungement services available; but be sure to choose a reputable law firm that genuinely understands the law and everything it entails.

Indiana Expungement Services

Call 317-636-7514 for more information about adult criminal record expungement in Indiana. Our licensed criminal defense team retains all current industry knowledge and requirements for criminal expungement and record sealing in Indiana. We can help you determine your eligibility right now! We offer free consultations, advice, useful addresses and court phone numbers, and services start as low as $850! If you wish to learn more about expunging criminal records in Indianapolis, call 317-636-7514 and get started on a path to the fresh beginning you rightfully deserve.

Can I Buy a Gun After Expunging a Felony Conviction?

When a person is convicted of a felony crime, there are several consequences that go along with it, many of which disrupt or impact a person’s life forever. One of the many restrictions convicted felons must live with is the right to purchase a firearm. But now that recent laws have approved criminal record expungement, many people are taking advantage of sealing their past criminal convictions from public access, leading them to ask several questions about restoring their rights as well. A common inquiry among past felons filing for expungement involves the right to purchase and bear arms. Continue reading to learn more about expunging felony criminal records and how it influences a person’s right to purchase a gun.

Criminal Record Expungement vs Restricted Access

In Indiana, if a person was charged with a felony or misdemeanor, but never found guilty, then they are eligible for expungement. But if a person has any conviction on their criminal record, whether for a misdemeanor or felony offense, they are not eligible to have it expunged. However, they may qualify to have it placed under restricted access, which is sometimes referred to as record “sealing” rather than record expungement. To petition for a chance at sealing criminal records in Indiana, all of the following statements listed below must be true:

1. Offense was a Misdemeanor or Level 6 Felony
2. They Caused No Bodily Injury
3. No New Convictions Since the Conviction
4. It Has Been at Least 8 Years Since the Conviction
5. Offense was not Sexual nor Violent

Gun Rights

When a person is convicted of a felony offense, they immediately lose their right to purchase or bear firearms. And since Indiana only allows past convicts who qualify to seal and restrict their criminal records, rather than expunge them, they can never regain that privilege again. The only way a person’s right to purchase and bear firearms can be restored is if they were never convicted of a crime or their charges were later dropped or dismissed. All those with convictions on their criminal record cannot expunge their
convictions, therefore, they cannot have their
right to firearms reinstated in Indiana.

Indiana Expungement Lawyer

Call 317-636-7514 for help sealing and expunging criminal records in Indiana. Our rates start as low as $850, making our legal services affordable for everyone! Our comprehensive understanding of Indiana expungement law, coupled with our acute work ethic, makes us the perfect ally when petitioning the government. We will ensure you qualify before taking the time to file and process paperwork, and furthermore, ensure that all your filing and proceedings are accurately managed and carried out on time. Call 317-636-7514 to discuss your eligibility with a licensed Indiana criminal record expungement lawyer today!

Can I Expunge Criminal Records with Pending Criminal Charges?

It is simply human to make mistakes. After all, making mistakes is how we learn. This gives us a great deal of wisdom, but also, regret. One of the most common “mistakes” people make in their pasts involve legal troubles and infractions. Fortunately, with the new expungement laws in Indiana, many individuals now have the opportunity to conceal past mistakes like arrests, criminal charges, and convictions. This permits people with criminal histories to explore and pursue certain prospects that were not available to them before. Expunging criminal records allows people to apply for jobs or promotions without judgement or discrimination. And it allows people to apply for certain loans, mortgages, apartments, and more.

Concealing Past Criminal Records

Concealing past criminal records can truly change a person’s life for the better. However, it is important to know that it is not something that comes along easily. Criminal record expungement is something a person can file for only once in their life. And it is a very intense and delicate application process that cannot be implemented incorrectly in any way. A simple misspelled word or missed signature can eliminate a person’s chance to expunge their criminal history. For this reason, it is necessary to hire a licensed attorney well-versed in the criminal record expungement laws and procedures. They have the proper resources and knowledge to facilitate the process flawlessly for a small one-time fee.

There are so many questions regarding expungement and the process of hiring an attorney to file for expungement. It is recommended to review some basic Criminal Record Expungement Facts to better understand the laws surrounding the application and approval process. One common questions past offenders have involves pending criminal charges. Many people want to know if they can still file for expungement if they have current pending criminal charges in the works. The answer to this questions is very simple; no.

If a person has current criminal charges pending, they are not eligible to expunge their criminal records. Once the charges are dealt with accordingly, and are no longer pending, and the individual is no longer on probation, they can then apply for criminal record expungement. This, however, does not mean they will be eligible. There are several prerequisites and requirements for eligibility. Factors such as time, the type of offense, the state, and more, all influence a person’s chances of being approved for record expungement.

Criminal Record Expungement in Indiana

Call 317-636-7514 to learn more about expunging criminal records in Indiana. We are well-versed in criminal expungement law and can help you determine your eligibility. If eligible, we can then assist in all filing and application procedures to ensure your records are legally concealed. Call 317-636-7514 to schedule an appointment today!