What is the Seven Year Rule for Arrest Records?

Continue reading to learn about the “Seven Year Rule”, and confirm where your arrest record stands.

Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514
Criminal Record Expungement Attorney 317-636-7514

If you are preparing to interview for a new job, you must also prepare yourself to answer questions about your past. And if your past involves an arrest or criminal conviction, you might be wondering what exactly is going to show up on your background check. Understanding this information is key in order to have the right response for your potential employer, especially since they may already know what’s on your criminal history before you even sit down for your interview.

If you think it has been too long since your last arrest, you may also feel at ease being under the impression that it will not appear on a criminal background check. But be very careful; depending on the circumstances of your arrest, it might stay on your permanent record indefinitely. Other types of arrests will be sealed after a certain amount of time. This is known as the Seven Year Rule, and may apply to your criminal history.

The Seven Year Rule

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) prohibits reporting agencies from sharing non-conviction arrest records with employers after 7 years has passed from the date of the arrest. This practice is known as the Seven Year Rule. But before you get too excited, keep in mind that this rule only applies to non-conviction arrests. These are arrests that, although occurred, never led to a conviction. Here are some examples of arrest scenarios that do not end in a conviction:

You were with a group of peers who are engaging in vandalism. The entire group was caught and arrested on vandalism charges. Later, the state determines that you were not an active participant in the vandalism, they do not press charges against you. You have an arrest on your record, but no conviction.

You were out with friends on New Year’s Eve and had too much to drink. You were caught by police arguing with your girlfriend, and detained on public intoxication charges. You spent the night in the drunk tank, but charges were dropped and you were not convicted of a crime.

Criminal Record Expungement

For arrests that did end up in a conviction, the only way to hide them from being listed on public background checks is through expungement. Otherwise, they will remain on your personal record forever. Talk to a licensed criminal defense lawyer who specializes in Indiana criminal record expungement services to learn if you qualify. There are several complex rules and stipulations for criminal record expungement eligibility, and the process to petition is highly complex; hiring a lawyer is your best chance at navigating the process accurately and efficiently.

How to Expunge Criminal Records in Indiana

Criminal Record Expungement 317-636-7514
Criminal Record Expungement 317-636-7514

Call 317-636-7514 to expunge criminal records in Indiana. We offer criminal record expungement services starting as low as $850! As a seasoned criminal defense law firm, we are well-versed in the new Indiana expungement laws, and know exactly how to file and obtain a legal expungement, successfully. Call our office at 317-636-7514 and schedule a free initial consultation to determine your eligibility, today.