Criminal Expungement Can Open New Doors for the Previously Convicted

The new Indiana law regarding criminal record expungement gives past convicts new opportunities. Now, anyone that has been arrested or convicted at least five years ago or more can remove their criminal history from public records, so long as they qualify. There are restrictions that come along with any new statute, and this one is no different. Although there are stipulations, several people qualify for expungement. Removing these records can improve a person’s life and allow new prospects that would otherwise not be available to them. Continue reading to learn how criminal record expungement can open new doors for the previously convicted; as well as, who to call for superior expungement services in Indiana.

Expunging Criminal Records is Beneficial

There are several reasons why the new criminal expungement law has opened doors for the previously convicted. If a person was arrested in their young adult years, and convicted in a court of law, this conviction stays with them their entire lives; affecting their career opportunities, health insurance, international traveling agendas, and more. If this same person wishes to have this conviction removed from public records so that it cannot affect these areas of their life, they can now do so. It would be extensive listing all the benefits and outcomes to criminal record expungement; but here is a short list of the most rewarding advantages when you expunge criminal records:

Certificate of Actual Innocence

If someone was found not guilty, or the charges were eventually dropped, not only can they have the arrest removed from their criminal history, they can also receive a “Certificate of Actual Innocence” basically saying they should never have been arrested and charged to being with.

Renting a Home or Office

Potential landlords cannot view or get access to arrest or criminal records of a person who has expunged them. These records are sealed and not disclosed to property owners and landlords. This allows people to rent better living arrangements and commercial office space. This is especially beneficial to families with children who require more space, safer neighborhoods, and better school districts.

Job Applications and Interviews

Employers cannot access or view criminal history and records of any applicant or employee if that person has had their records expunged. This gives several men and women an opportunity to get better paying jobs. This is a great advantage for men supporting their families, and single mothers raising their children. Not only can these better jobs pay more, they can offer benefits for the whole family; such as family health plans, insurance, 401K, and more.

If you have been convicted of a crime more than five years ago, and have completed all your probation requirements and court fees, you may be eligible for criminal expungement. It is advised to contact a lawyer who specializes in criminal record expungement for optimal service. The process is simple, but even a tiny mistake can ruin a person’s chances of expunging their records. This is because a person gets only one chance to file for expungement. If they or their lawyer files anything incorrectly or in the wrong order, their claim will be dismissed and they cannot apply ever again. This is why it is important to consult a professional and reputable law office.

Criminal Record Expungement Services in Indianapolis, IN

Call Expunge Criminal Record Indiana at 317-636-7514 for the most reputable and effective criminal record expungement services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We have been professional litigators for more than 25 years, and have studied and followed the expungement laws since they were first introduced in Indiana. Trust us to file for expungement in Indiana. We offer free first consultations too! Call and speak to a licensed attorney at 317-636-7514 to get accurate and reliable information about criminal record expungement in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding counties.